session overview video

 Notes for a proposed summary video segment to be produced for community showcase and online viewership.


The rising culture in and around ELL


What is ELL? Brief intro to principles and origins.

How does it work? practices, embodiment, agility, 'day in the life'

Looking at how the program is supported by gifts from the community and local social capital; sharing gratitude

Personal accomplishments, insights, and reflections


Possible structure: "follow the gift" - earth, to harvest, to kitchen to table to Maker to success to share...


Secondary threads: personal development, community relationships, Solaqua project


Guiding questions:

1. What is ELL like / about? participants views, reflections from surrounding/supporting community

2. What is the nature of 'gift culture' and metacurrency econ? how are we living that?

3. What is the current 'reality' of progressive / sustainable culture, how can we apply our ideas there?

4. What was accomplished here, where does it lead next, how can we 'connect the dots' for 'phase change'


Aim for: 5 min total length, with 'extras'



Key donors


- food producers

- host spaces

- coaches



Food support


Target for interviews:


Little Seed

Green Mead

Common Hands


>>where's it come from? why?

>>high quality, local produce, surplus

>>favorite recipes...thankyou card

>>what kind of help/support needed?


Intrvw Questions:

name, location, business

how did you learn about ELL

what have you been contributing

what is your sense about the program

what would you like to see come out of it

what does community mean to you

how do you imagine a healthier, happier economy / region

how are you modeling your business / life to create this

how would you like to be supported in this process

what other untapped local resources could be applied

what's the best way for you to stay informed and connected

if you had one wish or offer for your community, what?



Host spaces


QIVC - features: potluck night, resident' reflections

host homes - participant's gratitude

Solaqua - brian, fred



. what's your understanding of the Labs program?

. what's it been like to share space with ELL folks?

. have you shared about the project with anyone?

. how do you see this program impacting the community?

. what kind of advice would you have for young socially conscious entrepreneurs today?

. how can something like this grow and spread in the world?

. have you felt appreciated for your contributions?

. any suggestions for us to improve on, to make hosting even better?



Participants & projects


How is project work being advanced, accelerated thru ELL

personal reflections, gratitude, insights/inspiration, favorite memories

Looking forward, intentions, what will you carry with you to share


>>interviews: Tuesday

--what is your vision for change?

--how do you aim to contribute?

--what brought you to ELL?

--what has your experience been like so far?

--how does it feel to receive this as a gift?

--what are the most exciting results so far?

--how will you share this value with others?

--what new relationships/opportunities have developed through the Labs?

--what's changed about the way you want to work/play in the future?

--any gratitude, intent, request to broadcast here?

--want to show off some dance, yoga, tai chi, hand signals?

--where to next? what parts of ELL stand out?

--what do you want to acknowledge yourself for achieving here?



Coaches, Source, Support teams


-Gonzalo (ruben, via skype)

-Maia (in person)

- Claire, Madi, Ruben, Eric

- Eric, Art


ELL program outlook

what's next? what's evolving? what was learned?

- additional documentation

- new locations

- next session: streamscapes

- agile learning centers

- solaqua maker space

- acknowledgements and releases?

- gratitude!! wish for the future...



Key Shots

