questionnaire for contributors

Notes for a survey to take to food producers and retailers who are contributing to ELL session needs


ELL is community supported, and strives to provide clear examples of value creation / addition to the local community as a way of acknowledging and reciprocating this support.


How can we best discover and fulfill our mutual interests? In the spirit of gifting, this is not a matter of barter and "fair" trade, but rather for creating the circumstances and infrastructure of value flow awareness whereby all participants can more easily recognize contributions and benefits in an holistic wealth framework.


The first part of this process is to discover and display the needs present within the community which might be addressed by local talent and surplus. Next, we set up to track donations and service activity in the network.



Key info fields to collect and publish around a potential service opportunity:


Host / contact name and address


Organization name, type


Context and setting


Type of service opportunity


Magnitude, and urgency


Description of need


Nature of suitable fulfillment


Special skills or capacities desired


Locations and scheduling


Notes, links, personal appeal