
Today was a reminder for me that there is something to my half-joke equation:  The Transitive Property of Evil (note that the sq root symbols came outlooking like check marks in the default tumblr font).  Based on the theories of Jean Argüelles and two old sayings about time and money, I was grateful today to be reminded that there is something to it. 


After taking a long walk to think and reset myself, I watched this:  What if We Trusted You?

Jerry Michalski says this in about the first 30 seconds:  

That giant metronome, that runs this place, is much more valuable than your passion, your flow, your concentration, whatever it was you thought you were doing.


 I will remember this lesson as I begin the year at MFS.  I must not let the clock become more important than fostering the natural curiousity and creativity of children.  Armored Life is murdering it everywhere, and we must protect the children of the future if they are to escape the Trap.



