What is expected of participants?

Q: What is expected of participants?


There are no specific number of hours you're supposed to work, just the results you've promised to produce. 



  • Regular participation in activites in the workspace, including things like: your projects, other people's projects, preparing food, creating an inspiring and functional work space, cleaning, etc.
  • Regular communication with your coach. (You'll sort out how often and how long together.)
  • Keep your agreements and meetings you've scheduled (with project collaborators, coaches, etc.)
  • Communicate with the source team about any changes in your well-being, participation or status in the program.

Likely time commitments:

  • Daily short meetings for staying connected to each others projects and making requests of each other (see A Typical Day)
  • Weekly All-Team Meeting for all participants where the decisions for running the Labs are made 
  • Once or twice a week workshops or practicums on for establishing shared language and frames of reference for working together effectively.  (See A Typical Day.  Also, probably less often after the Seed Project is complete.)