Last week was a great week for connecting and change.  Ruben led us in a movement activity on Friday that culminated with a big group hug and singing.  Then we went had a great heart-to-heart talk and went dancing on Saturday.  I have begun to relax and feel like we are building trust with each other, which will make working together easier.  I am excited about refining the Gamechanging meeting meta-structure with others here, it will be a helpful tool for my project.

         I have also connected with people outside of ELL this week, talking with the Financial Permaculture Institute about looking for a grant to create an online financial permaculture or regenerative enterprise design course.  I am very excited that there might be a path to completing my project where I join an already strong group of people who are working in the same direction.  I think that my experience at ELL and the emotional support that I am getting here are really going to help me in the long run.

          I have been using Metamaps to mind map my assignments for Gaia University.  It is a much more powerful tool than XMind, which we have been using at Gaia U.  I am excited about putting all of this information into the collective consciousness and connecting Gaia U with Metamaps.  Here is an example of my work with Gaia U and Metamaps.

          I am also using the Kanban board concept from the Agile Learning Center team.  I have turned the background of my computer into a Kanban board and it is already helping me organizing my tasks.  I am really appreciating all of the inter-connection that is happening and hope that it grows.