Week Five+entry

          This week I am having a breakthrough with my own communication and my project.  Arthur gave a presentation last week about the Stages of a Conversation, which is helping me figure out exactly what the conversation is that I am trying to have and what stage I/we are at in it right now.  Over the weekend I made a breakthrough in distinguishing that conversation and I did a project slam on Tuesday where I drew it out on the white board and felt like I could really communicate it for the first time.

          Today we had a conversation about Neuro-Linguistic Programming and I realized that I can embody the state of empowerment that I have been feeling like I couldn't get to.  Ruben gave a presentation, all in Spanish, which I don't understand.  This was wonderful because I saw his energetic body language and was able to soak it in so that when I stood up to give my presentation I embodied his way of being and was able to give an energetic and engaging talk, perhaps for the first time ever.  I am going to create an anchor for myself to be able to get into that state in the future.

          I am feeling really positive about my project and feeling much more confident personally.  I think I am on the right track to give a presentation at the open house and finish my output packet for Gaia U which I am titling Regenerative Communication.