Travis Wellman+Next Step

Closing the Last Chapter


Accomplishments to Acknowledge ("I'd like to acknowledge myself for ...")

  • For coming to a better under standing of Ceptr
  • For the "Aha moment" realization that the lack of Ceptr is the reason that I'm working on spaciousness. For the complementary roles of our projects.
  • For working with Eric on a Groovy implementation of Ceptr 
  • For getting more steeped in ELL wisdom and direction
  • My 20s were well spent in moving forward in my career. My transition from the Internet Archive feels like the end of a chapter of what I was doing in my 20s.
  • Building collaborative internet concepts... being a leader in the collaborative internet community in content addressibility and graphs
  • Investing time in Base Paradigm and getting that to an Alpha state of usability
  • Living life with a great deal of courage (following the call to West Coast... for coming to ELL.... for going to the projects that call you...)
  • For switching to Dvorak
  • For listening to the universe and allowing its guidance to come through you to help manifest Spaciousness

Completion of Failures, Goals, Promises, Expectations

  • There are so many projects I've started... The ones that maintain momentum are ones that have healthy human connection around them. 
  • My layoff from Internet Archive is a kind of completion of the decade of my 20s. I'm releasing expectations of being the "nerd" that I was. I'm considering moving to higher level work and not just programming but maybe moving into human processes.... leadership or organizational roles.
  • I may pare down my technical projects in favor of working more in human process (distributed archive, radial navigation, ....)
  • Complete my participation here at ELL. Acknowledge the completion of that chapter.
  • Eric releases Travis of any sense of obligation for future participation around Ceptr 


Opening the Next Chapter

Where is magic and inspiration leading you? (a glimpse of the coming inspiring future)

  • Being called in the direction of building or helping build money/currency systems. 
  • Being called toward Artificial Intelligence and chaotic non-addressible/fluid computational systems
  • Spaciousness shell development
  • Regarding dollars... I will be building currency systems and also managing money better myself and learning how to do so.
  • Spending some time in a spaces of learning (maybe college, or study, or hacker spaces). Need reduce distractions and expand time to focus.
  • It is not going to be a corporate job (in spite of the fact that I'm looking at them).
  • I'm probably moving toward more leadership. Toward shaping human dynamics and resources (maybe organizational/leadership/management).
  • I see the possibility of a mentor -- someone already working effectively in the areas where I'm developing myself. 
  • In my 30s: I will assist in management of social and resource flows. I will have fun with AI. I'm going to make money (and other currency). I'm going to establish security for myself and people I love. I'm going to help everyone make their lives more fun.

Ritual: Greet the new person. (in this case.... a sleeping bag rebirth)