Tipping Points -journal:ben-


Over the hump! We're into the second half of our great railway journey together as Makers in the Lab at Chatham. Now pretty well up to speed as team of polymorphing teams, the next three weeks will zip past in many synchronous efforts, and I want to pause to capture some personal reflections and prospectus at this point.


Much of the work to date has been internal, organizing our organs as as an organism to organically orchestrate emergence! What is that, like modern jazz music? A little bit. In order to be efficiently co-creative, we need to have a loose consensus of "frame" which keeps everyone under the same roof together. We need to adopt a bevy of communication interfaces as second-nature, along with the patience to sort through or listen past unfamiliar signals and unserving static, so as to keep our feet on the ground of shared truth. We need to take the risk of trusting together, rather than the reflex of testing against.


How is it going for me? I have been through a spin cycle, and still a little damp between the ears...it's tough to go all-in and hang on as masks are dropped, triggers are touched, certainty is erased, "independence" unravelled, and every sort of energy tapped out beyond caution...


And yet that's when the real building begins--gathering up our bright clean assets and finding the matching pieces, making moves with confidence and grace. There's an overload of "to-dos" and a frightful (at first) lack of delegation or enforcement. We offer, and we ask. We operate, and we integrate. Relentlessly! Recklessly! Resplendently!


I can't promise any grand accomplishments out of the next three weeks from my work here, and I won't vouch for particular performances from the group as a whole  in prototyping ELL. We just don't know, and that's rather exciting, rather free. We do need feedback and support, and we all want to see measurable impact moving out in the world resonantly. That's my mission and my promise: envision, innovate, implement, evaluate.


Today, I'm just cutting video again. Tomorrow I'll set it up for easy open access. After that, the conversations and currency keep on growing and flowing, a model of abundance through collaboration. We're doing it! Synch up...
