Things and Stuff 2.0

I want to do work in SOCIAL architecture for the rest of my life. My other passions can ride along the SOCIAL roller coaster. 

But its not the SOCIAL you are thinking of. It's different. It's beyond that, no?


Conversation is, I believe, the opposite of "silencing an opinion".

Otto Hunt:
"John Stuart Mill argued that silencing an opinion is "a peculiar evil." If the opinion is right, we are robbed of the "opportunity of exchanging error for truth"; and if it's wrong, we are deprived of a deeper understanding of the 
truth in its "collision with error." If we know only our own side of the argument, we hardly know even that: it becomes stale, soon learned by rote, untested, a pallid and lifeless truth." 
- Carl Sagan

Truth is in Motion, Truth is Becoming (itself)?

Truth Hurts - Three Dog-Galaxy News [Wasteland] Radio - (Giving you the truth, no matter how bad it hurts)