A Support Team is made up of people whose project is the session of Emerging Leader Labs itself. The support Team creates coherence for a comfortable, safe, and loving container for a session of ELL.


The Support Team members provide coherence for the infrastructure, health, flow, space, environment, beauty, logistics of the program. Most importantly food, but also housing, transport, and workspace. The support is not intended to be exclusively responsible for these logistics but they ensure that coherence is held so that all people physically present at ELL are supported. The support team also provides a place where people attracted to ELL without projects can still contribute.

-what about communications support?



Support team is accountable for:

food - cultivating and managing relationships with local farmers and food providers; food pickups, shopping, and meal planning; holding coherence for cooking and cleaning logistics,

common spaces - holding coherence for keeping common spaces clean and healthy (doesn't mean they do all the cleaning)

housing - managing housing logistics and relationships, though they do not need to be the one who sets up relationships.  Coherence holder is accountable for recruiting a housing planner who ensures that host homes are recruited in advance. Housing coordinator manages logistics and relationships, scheduling, etc, once session is actual happening. Could be the same person, not necessarily.

-communications support? answering emails, social networking, etc



To participants: logistics will be managed in a coherent way so that you can prioritize work on project

To facilitators: logistics will be managed so that you can focus on group process.  We will honor sacredness of group time.

To coherence holder: will suport session and maintain or increase level of coherence


Potential Roles

housing planner

housing coordinator

farm / supplier coordinator

food coordinator: meal planner and inventory manager  -  roles can be divided as needed

     - people can hold coherence for individual dinner nights (not just support team)

space beautifier


-Advertising/promotion open house

-Responding inquiries


-Keeping the Buzz up in SM



While not all sessions would  have all roles or potentially even a support team at all, coherence must be held for all domains


Structures for fulfillment (split into 2 parts. pre-session and during session)

Support team meetings once per week

Coaching from coherence holder (or other person, could be source team or coach team member) on logistics if needed

**support team members need to do something they like.  The coherence holder needs to help them find right placement.

Weekly meal calendar with nightly coherence holders for dinners

Housing spreadsheet with dates and capacity , contact info, notes, expectations, etc

Transportation coordination spreadsheet


Selection process

-good place for people who want to be part of ecosystem even though they do not have or choose not to focus on own project

-sufficient emotional intelligence and willingness to collaborate and participate in a group in order to increase levels of coherence, and attitude of service

-experience in logistics not required but a plus

-willingness to make ELL Declaration, resonance with essence of the project

-communications experience or aptitude a plus 



support team "hints to make a magical experience"

sample weekly food charts and other such tools