Storytelling Pathways

skills and templates for story building, harvest, and broadcast
The Labs are an environment in which to create and explore new social narratives around the common good and our collective potential for meaningful creativity. Work, play, and learning all contribute to intended outcomes of positive impact in communities and the world. In order to demonstrate and extend that impact, we look to various modes of capture and distribution.
  1. Inspire, inform, invite by communicating value and advancing positive outcomes
  2. Harvest representative impressions efficiently, plan comprehensive documents
  3. Connect with authentic passion and purpose - design for effective engagement
  4. Compose rich messaging - disseminate for resonance, propagation, and feedback
  5. Share with peers for story dev - build confidence, competence, capital, community


  • Values canvas - developing a map of shared operating principles
  • Storyboard - building visual narrative tracks for story design and capture
  • Roadmapping - setting out and adapting strategy for realistic progress
  • Character/role dev - developing personal profile, portfolios, trajectory, identity
  • Timeframe & rhythms - setting a calendar, with daily and weekly objectives
  • Standup and live presos - building confidence and showing competence in the spotlight
  • Improv exercises - spontaneous, dynamic exercises for realtime sense-making and play
  • Personal profiles/portfolios, with an intro 'passion piece' video or collage
  • Streamcasting - e.g. journal entries, project blogs, and social media updates
  • Capture/compose - carefully crafted messaging, like articles and videos
  • Outreach, convos, collab - intentful personal interactions and networking
  • Impact assessment and comm. - demonstration and validation of successes


See also Active Storylines for current program-wide content production intentions.