"Social physics" is a way of thinking about how people interoperate for mutual benefit. It arises in casual interaction, yet holds significance for the whole field of cultural awareness and evolution.


Most basically, we consider a unit of subjective experience, compiled as story, to be the fundamental particle of social reality. It has context, content, and chronology.



The forces that act on this particle may cause it to grow (reinforce), spread (replicate), evolve (iterate), mesh (interact), or freeze (terminate). These are tendencies which we may consciously utilize to direct the flow of larger, resonant narrative fields and outcomes.


To understand a particular story fragment or sutra we may guage cognitive coordinates which provide access and leverage for course adjustment or subsequent impact.


In this context, story is a unique record of validated or predicted action. Story contains actors/agents, is driven by various motives, and delivers a tangible result or outcome.


See also:  Social DNA