Shilo+Brief Bio

Sorry if I this is a duplicate message :D

Wow! Sounds great! 

I want to work with the Emerging Leaders Lab group but I'm in Washington state and unable to attend in NY.  

Will there be another Emerging Leaders Lab somewhere on the west coast? or is it possible to participate online?

I'm not a techie I'm an artist with a fantastic imagination.

As a sculptor I work from imagination into reality.

Im gifted at (or obsessed with) assessing what is and is not working within structures and systems. Over the past 12 years I have been re-visioning our world with systemic innovation that is a balance whole systems approach.

I believe I have some important insights for the emerging economy, and an inclusive vision of our collective future.

The systemic innovation I'd like to introduce is very flexible, has a meta-currency system, hubs and more than I can share in an email.

I know this work is vital to the change we seek.

I would have loved to be part of the Meta-Currency Project, but I didn't know about it in time.  I created some fun and interactive exercises to help explain my vision, and I think they would work wonderfully for the Meta-Currency Project also. 

Anyway, I have a lot to share and learn about the emerging economy, so I'm very interested in the Emerging Leaders Labs. 

I'm working alone on my end, but I really want to collaborate!! If you have any information or advice it would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck with the seed project and I hope to hear back from you soon.

Peace.  ~Shilo