Session Coherence Holder



A Session Coherence Holder declares this shall be! They take the steps necessary to gather the resources needed to make an ELL session happen, primarily the source team and facilitators. On an ongoing basis, when there is a question of fit, of whether an applicant, or a coach participant relationship, anything that seems like there is a current misalignment of an instance with a pattern, the coherence holder navigates the truing up of cohernce through, reframing, recontextualixing, or removing the disruption of coherence. 



They are accountable for people having an experience of consistency, that there is a "there" there, a thing that they are participating in.  The Coherence Holder gathers and forms the Source Team.  The Source Team functions like a Board of Directors, they advise the Facilitation Team and provide financial and social capital to make the session possible.  The Coherence Holder is accountable to the Source TeamThe Session Coherence Holder is to the Source Team, as the Executive Director is to the Board of Directors.

They are the executive decision maker when an executive decision maker is required.


Agreements (what do they agree to - see doc):

Coherence Holder to Participants: I will this shit to happen. The resources will be available. The teams will be in place. It shall be! You will have a workspace, basic needs met, facilitators, coaches. We will deliver the promises of an ELL.

to Facilitators: The logistics and 

to Source Team:



Requirements for ELL Affiliation (what you must have to be affiliated):

There must be a coherence holder and they must be on site, not necessarily in every session every day.  



An ELL Session Coherence Holder (better name?) is something like a project manager, they agree to ensure that all of the necessary social infrastructure of the session is in place. A coherence holder recruits others and forms the Source Team in order to activate the social capital needed for the lab to operate. A coherence holder ensures that the support team and facilitators are able to host the session. They set the focus and intention, and select the time and place for the session to operate.


One sentence definition:

Accountability (what are they responsibility for):

Agreements (what do they agree to - see doc):

Requirements for ELL Affiliation (what you must have to be affiliated):

(Recommended) Structures for fulfillment (how to achieve success): 

>>can include "use facilitation manual, draw from personal experience,etc...)

Selection Process/Criteria (how to choose people):

Resources for more information (COuld be people):