Seed Project Logs+Week 3 Outcomes
- Plan an Open “Office Hours”
- Plan for Aug 25th
- Artists showing work, mural
- Movies & Media
- Drinks & Dining
- Practice talks, refine them and
- Media Exposure in Mexico – Xalapa Daily, University Paper
- Ben: Conversation around ‘leadership’ -UNDERWAY
- Shared media aggregator, storage, streaming - DONE
- Ben is Proposing a public-facing ‘deliverable’ each night this week, co-produced -
- One could be media collage of last week’s accomplishments, experiences -WEEK TWO COLLAGE CREATED
- Create structures for meal responsibilities. ‘Your night to cook’ - DONE
- Be actively using the infrastructure for Projects on Wagn -UNDERWAY
- Finalizing personal journal setup for use. -DONE
- Finding a place to put week’s intentions - DONE
- For SocialDNA / “Identity recontextualization,” complete community maps & capacity maps -UNDERWAY
- Connor: prepare a workshop around a non-judgmental culture of sharing and listening -INCOMPLETE
A powerful session on hand signals that we can use in group process to keep things moving and working smoothly. Ruben: As a group we accomplished being more sensitive about our interactions to the point that we could create those sign languages and other ways that we can communicate, because we dared to go deeper. Emory: we accomplished a lot of toughening and softening as a group, by spending a lot of time, with a lot of intention, to develop smoother group process. Built some resilience.
Succeeded in moving Ruben and Ben to a host home.
Ran a project slam video session, and a impromptu storytelling video session.
Set up a group schedule in the physical workspace that maps food prep. and workshop-style times.
Scheduled a yoga class for Friday the 17th at 9am.
A day trip Ruben, Emory, and Connor to Hudson for a yoga class.
Fruitful conversation on the User Experience on the website.
First ceremonial circle with the crazy Crab hat on.
Pritha: found a place where she can say no from.
In general, awesome food prep this week.
Ruben: failed to get through in Mexico for the media exposure
Pritha: failure to concretize theMake project for Aug 25th.
Connor: failure to put in the time to prepare for a Culture Workshop
Failure to COMPLETE the community maps, however, good progress was made. People have started doing the individual work. Failure to know what complete would look like.
Fail to resolve a regular weekly visitor drop-in structure.
Ben: 3/5 nights felt like he produced a coherent and public facing output. The difficulty was engaging the rest of the team in collaborative production.
Emory: failed to really interact with Wagn & his project there. Pritha shares this feeling.
Emory: failure to work steadily, in his opinion, on his conversation mapping
Kyle: failure to attend to the bigger scope of the group, how we were doing as a whole
Pritha: failure to dive into openness upon arrival in her first week here. Indulged in not being open. Failure to be disciplined to move into uncomfortable spaces.