Seed Project Logs+*self
- +*structureRichText :
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And BELOW you will find our high level weekly review of intentions, accomplishments and failures.{{+Week 1 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 2 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 3 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 4 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 5 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 6 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
- +*defaultRichText : empty
- +*autoname
- +*captchayes
- +*head{{:head|core}}
- +*layoutDefault Layout
- +*stylelumen skin
- +*script14 items
- +*help
- +*input type
- +*guideEditing Guide This default guide will appear in the full...
- +*on create
- +*on update
- +*on delete
- +*thanks
- +*follow fields*nests
- +*follow