Robert Best+Next Step

Closing the Chapter on the Past

Acknowledgements ("I acknowledge myself for...")

  • Designing an automated machine
  • quitting that job and going back to school
  • completing that school program
  • discovering deeper passions and interest (collective intellegence and web)
  • working up the courage to come to ELL
  • for participating in a present and vulnerable way
  • reflecting and discovering what is driving me at my core
  • designing the rear suspension on my schools mini-baja team (and it didn't break)
  • showing initiative in the collective intelligence community
  • sticking with these crazy ideas in the face of other's doubts
  • beatboxing for people (which I'd never really done before)
  • for being vulnerable in the face of awkwardness
  • for being gentle and visionary
  • for asking GREAT questions
  • for your openness to the answers to those questions and willingness to consider everything
  • for making the video with Ruben 
  • persistent learning... endless hunger for knowlege
  • for kicking ass in Go and Chess, +1
  • for explaining Go... and teaching Go
  • for courageously forging a new path for yourself
  • for your courage and cameraderie that we're building together (in metamaps)
  • the move from here (slouchy and hidden) to here (shoulders back and head high)
  • for being deeply thoughtful, kind and playful
  • for including others in your inquiries and curiousity
  • for the skillsets you've already acquired and the value you bring
  • all the ideas youv'e squirreled away in the cornucopia of your mind
  • for being really charming
  • the way you hold space and make people feel comfortable to share their love and passions
  • for taking on developing your confidence without losing your humility
  • for the way you played with Dhara and sharing your joy with her
  • my openness and excitedness for growth and change (ability to be coached and taught)
  • for you passion for collective intelligence
  • for the gentle, leaderly way you start conversations that matter
  • beatboxing +7 and the performance sound effects with Ruben

Completions (Releasing past expectations, goals, promises, failures...)

  • I release the idea I have to be a Mechanical Engineer because I have a degree
  • expectations to work for others (friend companies) that I'm not going to be working for
  • for the effort I thought I had to put into maintaining certain relationships that are limiting me
  • that I lost the back of Arthur's massage chair on my first day here
  • the I didn't get straight A's in University (even though I expected it of myself)
  • I'm not going to back the job I quit before going back for my degree
  • I'm not going to waste time learning about investments and how to leech money out of a system
  • I'm never going to be a chess grandmaster... and that's okay
  • that you have to loud in order to be heard
  • that the world wants you to be a warrior
  • to be confident and inspire people, doesn't mean that I have to change everything about me. That there's value to my quietness and humility
  • Eric HB releases you from coming to the Streamscapes session in October
  • Eric B releases you from bulding the community
  • Haiz releases you from having to fix your past relationship
  • from feeling like anything is your fault / or that fault is even relevant to creating anything
  • from fear of being stuck in debilitating patterns
  • from the fear that anything can get in the way of following your passion
  • from feeling not good enough and trying to live up to somebody else's expectations
  • from the idea that I could hold my family together

Sharing a Glimpse of an Inspiring Future

Where is inspiration and passion calling you now?

  • Growing the metamaps team
  • building this tool (for myself and everyone)
  • dynamic and passionate conversations... and people coding on metamaps
  • eating our own dogfood in using the tool to build the tool
  • unlocking our collective intellence and increasing our ability to work together on a larger scale
  • all the exciting projects which create the space for self-directed learning, community, collective intelligence
  • all the juicy work of "saving the world"
  • I'm immersed in amazing and challenging problems (geometrical and mathematical)
  • when I speak, it lands, and connects, and inspires
  • in my own emerging leader lab (wherever that is), being a catalyst for what I can best serve
  • nurturing other crazy, difference-making projects 
  • engaged in mutual support and connection nourishing each others projects (online and offline)