RichText+*type+by name
Source Team Role+description
Arthur Brock+ApplicationComplete
Is this a school? Will I get credits or a degree?+Answer
Question and Answer+description
When will the Lab open?+Answer
How and When Can I Apply?+Answer
How do you measure value and impact for projects?+Answer
What happens during the eight week session?+Answer
What competencies can I expect to develop?+Answer
Contact Message+description
Who can apply to participate?+Answer
Contact Message+*type+*structure
RichText :
{{+Your Name|type:phrase}}
{{+Your Email|type:phrase}}
{{+Your Phone|type:phrase}}
{{+Your Message to Us}}
{{+Internal Notes}}
Jean Russell+Brief Bio
Jean Russell+Links
Laura Conley+Links
Laura Conley+Brief Bio
Eric Harris-Braun+Links
Benjamin Brownell+Brief Bio