Project storylines

In order to share a vision for change and engage needed support, Lab participants may take the opportunity to build a narrative, or directed conversation, around the work that they are doing.


The following is a template for capturing and sharing this content, which could be encapsulated in a short video or elaborated over time in multiple channels and formats:


Personal Project Stories





what is the context

who are you, in this context

where are you coming from, and going

what do you bring with you? whom?





what does this work make possible?

why are you the one to attempt it?

how long have you held this?

how do you see others in the picture?

what is the path from here to there?

major obstacles or liabilities?





how do you describe your core principles and ethics?

is there a difference between personal and project?

where do you derive these from?

how do you practice / carry them?

what effect have they had on your work?

how do they flex and shift, interacting with others?





what drives you?

how committed?

what does success look/feel like?

where has it taken you so far?





what sort of spirit do you bring?

what kind of culture do you affirm?

how can you connect with audiences?

what are some flaws / vulnerabilities?

what are you nurturing or learning?





what kind of past success pertains?

references, testimonials?

preperatory work?





near-term surplus / reciprocity





ways to support / engage