Pritha RaySircar+Next Step

Closing the Last Chapter


Accomplishments... "I'd like to acknowledge myself for..."

  • changing my language .... like from survivor to thriver
  • power -- and not being afraid of my power -- and the space that is making for me
  • waiting to see what that new space can hold
  • coming into a sense of nationalism, where my country is my body, and the beginnings of an allegiance to myself
  • my wicked skills in the kitchen
  • for all the degrees I have (4 Undergraduate degrees & 3 Masters)
  • for coming to peace for having lived my life not for myself
  • owning up to the resentments I've carried because of that
  • for being an iconoclast
  • for asking difficult questions and sticking around to help build answers
  • for my loyalty
  • my sense of duty
  • for the knowledge that I can re-tune my senses of loyalty and duty
  • for sensing my higher purpose
  • for having this be the Year of Being Uncomfortable
  • for sticking to it and finding the lessons there
  • for my ability to love
  • for the care I feel for the well-being of others ... sincere interest in whether others are eating enough, sleeping well, being happy...
  • for never being bored
  • for being a hard-tryer
  • for leaving college at 20 to become a journalist, then moved to Hong Kong to start MTV Asia, then to Susan, to City of Cambridge, then a public policy degree.  For making value from my circumstances
  • for not knowing why coming here would matter and coming anyway
  • for having the intuition that this was an important destination
  • for staying, and committing, even when I wanted to leave
  • for working hard -- playing with the knobs and dials of my identity and openness to feedback
  • for shifting from thinking I'm a humble person to seeing I could flex my humilty muscle more
  • for showing up... and for practicing not showing up
  • for saying "no" -- sometimes with my body and other times with my mouth
  • for not needing approval
  • for feeling uncomfortable acknowledging myself
  • for understanding the practice of acknowledgement would lead to a healthier me
  • for having the idea of the TheMAKE
  • for failing to make TheMAKE happen and then continuing on until I translated it to a built edible garden
  • for weathering all the meetings, town halls, PTAs, Rotary Clubs... to reach community partners
  • for the successes and failures of the pilot
  • for finding a way to be happy and grateful for the pilot
  • for feeling like a child again (in parent's front yard) and being able to say "Look Mom & Dad, I made this!"
  • for being open to things... like shiny flecks, smells, stories, 
  • continuously working on dismantling my significant armor
  • learning I needed to come into my own womanhood rather than thinking I needed more women
  • for learning not to just make myself someone else's problem.. exploring it and taking steps within it
  • being thorough, prepared, erudite and articulate
  • and the ability to be playful
  • captivating person to interact with... surprised to see what shows up next
  • for the courage to connect the parts of yourself to a path and purpose
  • how quickly you are able to connect and speak with people and all the relationships you formed in my community (& Sharon & CoCyclers)
  • for the part of you reaching out into the world to create an impact, and the impact you're making in more lives than you can know
  • wanting to belong to something (and staying with it so that I was one)
  • being an impactful teacher - what you teach from your experience, language, insight & clarity / what you teach from your being the beautiful loving moments and challenging difficult ones
  • sense of deep, profound love and caring within you
  • your path of practice and devotion in the world
  • calling people to a deeper level of truth, integrity and purpose with your own intensity of truth
  • for taking chances... expensive ones.... face palming, yet getting up to go on
  • for shifting the mission of the make to "neighbors building neighborhoods by any means necessary"
  • being provocative as a younger person, but then plumbing the depths of the provocation to find the truth in the ugliness in love
  • transformation within you... that enabled you to learn to be here... to stay in new and uncomfortable ways
  • not knowing what the hell I'm doing. Really.
  • not worrying about how to replicate these results / this transformation again
  • Ruben: many of the greatest lessons I'm bringing home began and emerged from interactions with you
  • allowing my stories to come undone
  • allowing my characters/selves to be unhoused
  • for being awesome
  • for being easily impressed ... and difficult to impress... and for releasing myself in the mirror so I can see something that's not monstrous
  • for new eyes ... which are small
  • for discovering your power could be expressed in ways that nourish (that you call "soft"), not just ways that slice (that you call "hard")
  • for hanging with my coach (who showed up like a polka dot bow, but lives like a ninja) and has become an important part of my new imaginal cells
  • for being the "only vagina" but bringing the power of 3 or 4 women - "poly-vaginal"
  • for finding a place within the group where women appear to me - being open to the idea that gender isn't so fixed - opening to the feminine and letting go of prejudices - it's not as important that your a "man" or a "woman" but experiencing a new appearance of masculine/feminine/feminism
  • having MoJo
  • for leaving behind my trauma lens. I will no longer look at my present and future through my past troubles.


  • I failed to quit smoking
  • I'm done thinking I'm a failure. Releasing that picture. Over it. And everything that goes with that.
  • I'm over envy, self-pity and hopelessness
  • I don't have to suffer. I can be deeply involved with painful and challenging things and still feel good
  • I don't have to be a nuclear physicist, OBGYN, or all those other things.... I need no more accreditation
  • I release myself from the stories I tell about people - more listening... less telling/writing
  • I entirely love my father - snout to hoof. I have released the stories and pain... forgiveness.
  • I don't have to carry with me the story anymore that I don't love my father... I've waited my whole life to to be able to do this.
  • let go of the expectation of having expectations / practice existing without having so many expectations. Weight. Baggage.
  • release the goal of being a jillionnaire (to be loved by my father and mother)
  • let go of all goals I can't meet, because their not real
  • of being on the cover of Fast Company
  • loosen my relationship with vanity ... a teabag that's steeping too long in myself
  • release from my expectation of having children or getting married
  • the contradiction of needing to unique and yet present like everyone else
  • no more dating abusive men
  • I release myself from my mother's death

Opening the Next Chapter


Where magic and inspiration are leading me

  • intrapreneural or innovation position in a place like The Container Store because I see organization is a deeply empowering act
  • share the gift of self-love -- a hallmark card to yourself
  • self-care innovator
  • maybe how TheMAKE could be intrapreneurial
  • more involved in Futurism... and what could be
  • meet some of my heros and heroines in London
  • figuring out the mojo that frees people from their adherances
  • exploring how to create the magical moments that can release deep issues and create transformation
  • how to make TheMAKE transformational... intentionally providing THOSE experiences
  • experiences which can fulfill all good intentions of participants
  • stealth transformation
  • I'd like to get married... There's too much of me to carry it all alone.


Infinity Principle - Ratio: Happiness: Appreciation/Expectation