Participants in ELL are the people with projects whose main intention is to make a positive impact on the world


  • Commitment to work on developing project during ELL.  
  • To honor the gifts they receive by diligently working on project - it is the work not the specific outcome that is important here. 
  • To respect the spaces they are offered, and the requests of those who provide the space.
  • To contribute to food preparation, cleaning, and maintaining health in physical spaces.


  • To other participants: Honor sacredness of group time. Respect other individuals and acknowledge self as part of collective when making decisions around using resources, food, space, etc.
  • To support: contribute to the coherence around logistics, especially food.  Maintain efficient flows of communication with support team so that they can work better
  • To facilitators: Honor sacredness of group time.  Trust the facilitation process enough to allow the 3 promises to be delivered..
  • To host community: Respect space and honor requests.  Campsite rules.
  • To coherence holder / source team: Help ELL continue to grow and imporve by giving feedback onsite and especially after it is over - survey, interview, etc. Help ELL tellt he story of your project externally so that we can demonstrate value created.

To coaches

  • Honor their time by showing up for your call and remaining open to exploring possibilities for personal growth.

Structures for fulfillment

Group time.  Personal Kanbans

Selection Process

Have a project that has explcicit group component and is focuses on "grow ours, not get mine." Project must aim to have a positive social impact as priority over profit. Do the application.