
The problem situation we have, here in the epoch that Gebser identified as late stage Mental structure of consciousness, the problem situation is that we have concretized the evolving products of a generative process into self-made cages, by believing that this world of duality is a necessary property of being, rather than a rolling transformation in a continuum of becoming.

This process, this transparency, this awareness, that is not and does not observe – which I call View—is the generative process of becoming presence, feeling, image, body, self, concept, time, space … perspectival multiplicity. Thereafter the dialectic mind, blind to its own dualistic perversions, divides along the conceptual fault-lines of the AQAL quadratic-- whether before or after its association. The mind that remains from this division, rife with dualistic phantoms deposited deep inside the en-cultured psyche, doesn't much matter.

Oliver R/Bonitta Roy