Jaclyn Saorsail+Next Step

Closing the Chapter on the Past


  • Getting mushroom grant and completing it
  • Getting full-ride scholarship because of HS performance
  • Working in community gardens
  • For my part in supporting many projects
  • For being part of an awesome/supportive community in Norman
  • For contributing to the OK food coop. Volunteering/Board/Working/Writing Grants
  • Living on $500/mo for 4 years with no help from Parents
  • Got a job at U of OK and got caught up
  • For giving birth to Dhara (at home, no pain killers)
  • For getting (10 hour) tattoo
  • For living without a car for most of adult life (even taking Dhara to day-care)
  • For making it through my relationship with my ex-husband -- and taking him to NVC class
  • Running a mushroom farm for 4 years with a baby
  • For enrolling in Gaia U
  • For taking Computer Programming Courses
  • For coming here, taking the risk, leaving the familiar for an unknown possibility
  • For her focus and discipline
  • For putting yourself in this situation and being vulnerable
  • For embracing your growth and not giving up when it was hard and challenging
  • For being so sweet and loving
  • For my relationship with Russell … for me being sweet, supportive and understanding
  • For being coachable, by Mary, Eric, and everyone
  • For being able to use Eric as a mirror and learn from him no matter what he was saying
  • For continuing to create positive experiences for Dhara (Waldorf, kids to play with, part of community)
  • For baking skills and nutella frosting
  • For pursuing what you believe in... having the strenght and courage to do so.
  • For your dedication and effort that you put forward in all things
  • For your commitment for what's possible for humanity
  • For your fearless pursuit of that commitment, even without all the answers.


  • Giving up on OK... Food Coop... Commonwealth Neighborood... 
  • Getting a degree in Computer Programming
  • Mushroom farm... everything in OK.... 
  • Getting Married (as a failure)
  • Russell... not being able to work things out with him
  • Give up living up to any standard of normalcy
  • Not knowing how to engage people in MY thing

Sharing a Glimpse of an Inspiring Future

Where's inspiration and passion calling you now?

  • Taking things to the next level... 
  • Expanding network of committed people and world-changing ideas
  • Finding a lever to be able to use that ^ network
  • New possibilities I'm being called toward
  • Learning Holacracy
  • Be involved in teaching/advising/building together at an incubator, or with a team
  • Co-Invent with other fellow explorers
  • More belly-dancing
  • More Japanese
  • Living in community
  • Where I can ride by bike to work
  • More learning opportunities... business side of things... incubator....