Peeled tape off painted floors.
9am standup meeting
Emails to housemates in Waterloo, sitting out on our 'balcony'
Communications about the possibility of an ELL in Waterloo to folks at home.
Flushed out the idea for the "Do-It-Ourselves handbook" First draft subtext:
"An instructive and educational resource for anyone wanting to build resilience and thrivability into the ecosystems they inhabit (up to and including planet Earth"
Medium: it could be an app.
Broke for lunch. Discussed internal structures and external structures as ways to outline, breakdown the DIO handbook.
Art gave us a walk through of the Metacurrency strategic plan.
Back to Lab, published two blog posts.
Connor's thorough email Part 2, my background sent off to Ashley.
Reply to my friend Benjamin around his gift.
Back at Quaker Intentional Village moved Paul's chicken coop. Saw pigs, harvested chard and onions for supper.
I headed up the cooking of those.
I recorded a little bass riff to send off to Joe Elliot for our music jam group 'A Cat Named Wolf'
Today I got a confirmation email from George Por around virtual coaching on how to create a commons based livelihood.
Returned to Emory's to sleep.