How to launch an Emerging Leader Lab

Emerging Leader Labs (ELL) is a growing ecosystem.  Are you interested in hosting a session?


This is a guide for people who are interested in holding coherence for a session of Emerging Leader Labs.  ELL session c<strong>oherence holders agree to convene the conversations neccesary to source the communities, individuals, and resources to make an ELL session possible


> recruit source team

> set the time and place

> clarify the specific intention of the session. Is there a spefic focus, perhaps a field (i.e. education or tech) or project? Does it match the available facilities or expertise? 

> identify social capital of source team to locate resources for housing, food, workspace, logistics

> recruit faciliation team, coach team, support team, participants


First off, a session coherence holder recruits people to form the Source Team in order to activate the social capital needed for the lab to operate. They set the focus and intention, and select the time and place for the session to operate.


Since ELL operates on social capital instead of financial capital, the Source Team must be able to provide the social and financial resources for it to happen. The Source Team Summer 2012 is also the Jedi / Wisdom council that provides guidance for the facilitators (as amplifiers) of the Lab. They hold the container (providing the framework for the session to happen: housing, workspace, food, etc.)


The coherence holder or holders forms the source team.  The source team needs to have a diverse set of skills, access to resources, and experience. Basic questions to consider when identifying possible source team members include as follows: What are the resources required to pull off the program? Who can attract the right participants? Who has the social (or financial) capital to provide workspace/housing/food etc.? Are they SOURCEFUL and generative? Are they able to be amplifiers for the facilitators?



This guide is a model for how an emerging leader Lab can live as a social organism.  Every session of ELL is innately self generative.  This guide is concerned primarily with asking the questions that the source team, coaches, facilitators, support team, and participants will need to be able to answer collectively in order to thrive.