Gonzalo Miguez+Image


Born in Argentina and currently living in Spain, Gonzalo brings to his practice an embodied passion for exploring cutting edge social technologies  as well as a profound determination to use their power and elegance in service of individual and collective human transformation.


With several degrees in law, business and organizational development his professional experience includes working in areas such as business development, quality management, strategic planning and people development across different sectors from global corporations to local NGO's. As an organizational consultant, he is currently involved in different projects working on evolutionary systems dynamics, integral business and collaborative meshworks.


As a Professional Integral Coach™, Spiral Dynamics Facilitator and Holacracy practitioner he is deeply committed to work with social entrepreneurs, teams and next generation leaders to develop sustainable ways of achieving outcomes that really matters to them, helping them in making of their professional lives their unique and precious “piece of art”.


Gonzalo is founder of the Center for Human Emergence in Spain, co-founder of iMeshworks and Board member at Escuela Internacional de Coaching in Barcelona.



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