Germination! -journal-


The Emerging Leader Lab Seed Project has begun, and I'm gratefully down in the dirt with a passle of iconoclasts and inventors, culture-hackers, converging on recipes and amenities for a self-replicating transition hub.


This is an ambitious experiment, very self-organized and super-fluid, a make-what-you-will (in order to share) open space...take conscientious steps and the path would seem to appear.


I made a rapid relocation from intense renovation work on a community farm in Vermont to join in with this program, as it's designed to facilitate exactly the sort of project that I've sunk my teeth into there and help me to overcome the hurdles of finance and participation that have really slowed my rate of progress lately.


Have you noticed there's a Great Transition happening? Have you heard calls for re-skilling, energy descent plans, alternative currencies, et cetera? It's getting less eccentric all the time. People are creating and scaling the modules for a renewable world, and figuring out how to plug-and-play them together, in the stead of a self-obsoleting top-down social order which has been based in constraint and privation. 


Like many young-ish and idealistic, uncompromising, constructive, optimistic, action-oriented, open-minded, uber-honest, compassionate, gameful innovators and social architects, I'm seeking ways to sustain myself while devoting maximal circulatory energy into scaling live experiments for holistic community and society.


The question for me now is which path "has heart" and produces value for my concentric identity circles. Whoops, there's another, overarching question: what are my identity circles?? What motivations arise from seeing myself, being myself, in relation to others? Which roles are open and satisfying for me?


How do you come to terms with what is present, while staying oriented towards "future"? How do you request and receive help to advance the common good? What does leadership mean, if everybody's doing it?


Okay, it's still early on an intensive development track for myself as well as this Emerging Leaders Lab project--questions are good, and we're building quickly as the answers start to come in. Our own personal answers, based on experience, which in aggregate begin to reveal important patterns and useful blueprints such that others can quickly craft wide bridges and high beacons toward a world based on WE.


I'm here. I'm in. WeMerge!
