Gameshifting - original project by Kyle Sykes+Inspiring Story



 [Meta-Note: I plan on writing more,  This more technical stuff. There will be more things meant for general audiences. This is what I'm 'writing for ELL.' (For now, more to come!) ]


Gameshifting is a lot of things... but its cool, without a doubt.  Gameshifiting is a lot like hacking the  (culture) matrix.  For real.

Gameshifting is about creating new social [membrane/dna] realities with our  tribes [tribegathering] using co-designed cultural games, legends and tools.  It teaches us how to become more agile and create greater 'soil.'  The support and nurturing of social communities and natural emergence.  

It lets us inteface with social artitechtures and combines the power of both meta and source. Meta being conceptual [or composable] abstractions and source being actual 'things', the 'membranes'  that are embodiments of relationships, memories, technes and cohesions. 

It is about co-creation, co-mentoring, co-learning and energetic praxis. It lets us reflect and engage in the practice of mindful cultures.  Mindful cultures understand the potiencial in our social dna. Social dna being the language, rituals, traditions and social contracts or membranes that are generated and exchanged.  Life design with our imaginations and commonwealth. 


It lets us hold and morph spaces.  It lets us pratice the art of hosting, mirroring and creating new roles in a group. It helps us to create renaissance teams.  It's about trust. It uses strategic questioning to get the depth of what it is important to us. 

It's about the resurangance of our own natural leadership which is being who we are and creating, building, being accountable without being limited.