Gameshifting - original project by Kyle Sykes+Coherence Holder

Kyle Sykes+Image


I'm a hard one to pin down, but I'm all about games, whether they be physical or virtual. I've been on a leap year recovering from illness (bi-polar) and it had been long overdue as I had this UNDIAGONOSED condition for about 4-5 years with no treatment now.

I'm no visual artist, but I am a concept art fan and a Java Jam Junkie from High School. I only just entered (or will be) entering college right around the second round of the labs.

I'm into WRITING, exploring, researching, and well... drifting off, creating new worlds in the process.  I enjoy iterations of Glass Bead Games [kanban boards,, GameShifting, Open Modeling, MetaCurrency] and drawing maps/legends/canon/knowledge/holons/edges/ with my mind (and specialized tools) kwown as Open Modeling and/or  'GameShifting'.

How can I put it? I'm an Reportager Edger (or Reportager) now (But still a gameshifter!) [Someone who reports what is happening on the edge of different paradigms] and want to live the part. Enjoy the roller-coaster, between the techtonic, miraculous, serendpitious and (sometimes painful and hard) shifts, but stll, it will be fun!

My Concentrations are Resilence and Aptitude Training as well as Network Weaving. But Reportage Edger is my current... 'profression' for lack of a better word. It's BECOMING part of who I am. Not just being something, becoming something more resilent... with each stage of aptitude.

Ask yourself this question, just this one question, Are We Having Fun Yet? That question is a currency. The Benefit of the Doubt is a currency as well.  What you Make of This is also a currency. Shift on it. Make shift happen. You can do it. GO! NIKE!

On [Novelty]

Human consciousnesses is not merely an emergent phenomenon; it epitomizes the logic of emergence in its very form... Consciousnesses emerges as the incessant creation of something from nothing. a process continually transcending itself. To be human is to know what it is like, (Evolution/Life/Paradigmatic Lore), what it feels like to to be evolution/involution happening.

Terrance Deacon, "The Hierarchic Logic of Emergence"

(R)E:Volutionaries Page 100
[ I plan on using the annotations out of this book as tools for building our collective social Emerging Leader Labs (and beyond!) Social DNA (Including Social Leadership and Social Imagination) ]


P.S - Twitter Description:


Gameshifter. Up to all kinds of good. Much interest in niches/Techneiums, plus serious and alternate reality game design. With complexity, systems, energy, generativity.

Social Ecosystemic Playgrounds ·




P.S.S  Dream Big. What does this Project make Possible in This World?

[Meta-Note: I plan on writing more,  This more technical stuff. There will be more things meant for general audiences. This is what I'm 'writing for ELL.' (For now, more to come!) ]


Gameshifting is a lot of things... but its cool, without a doubt.  Gameshifiting is a lot like hacking the  (culture) matrix.  For real.  Learn what it means to be a Social Architect. 

Gameshifting is about creating new social [membrane/dna] realities with our  tribes [tribegathering] using co-designed cultural games, legends and tools.  It teaches us how to become more agile and create greater 'soil.'  The support and nurturing of social communities and natural emergence.  

It lets us inteface with social artitechtures and combines the power of both meta and source. Meta being conceptual [or composable] abstractions and source being actual 'things', the 'membranes'  that are embodiments of relationships, memories, technes and cohesions. 

It is about co-creation, co-mentoring, co-learning and energetic praxis. It lets us reflect and engage in the practice of mindful cultures.  Mindful cultures understand the potiencial in our social dna. Social dna being the language, rituals, traditions and social contracts or membranes that are generated and exchanged.  Life design with our imaginations and commonwealth. 


It lets us hold and morph spaces.  It lets us pratice the art of hosting, mirroring and creating new roles in a group. It helps us to create renaissance teams.  It's about trust. It uses strategic questioning to get the depth of what it is important to us. 

It's about the resurangance of our own natural leadership which is being who we are and creating, building, being accountable without being limited. 


P.S.S Original Culture Hacking Protocols For GameShifting


To show how everyone is and can be a creator, designer, curator and polymath. Each of us can transform, play different games, shift our roles and participate (or be visible) in different spaces. That people can be agile (and successful), as well as learn, teach, engage and transform things in many spaces. To learn how to self-create and understand the relationship between personal and social imagination, as well as open systems. Imaginalism. To learn how to design personal source (social imagination) tools and builds. To know how 'change/play/BECOMING is the law.' To learn  the arts of power and negentropy, which *is* transformation. To be agile in our spaces. To engage with imaginalities. Open Space Design/ Life (Space) Design. Pathmaking. Operational processing. Learning how to become a piece of work/art. Learning how to opt-in, source and share. Forking. [LIKE UX Design but with our techniques and cultures. Creativity/ Open space cultural and transformational design.]

One Sentence Synopsis:

Gameshifting is a legend, imaginalsphere where our personal 'techne' (techniques, value(s), imagination, literacies, profiencies, processes, self-creations, crafts) can become open (space) design, cultures, of social imagination... powerful transformation spaces.




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