First week of 2nd cycle+entry

We just had our first week of the 2nd cycle of Emerging Leader Labs. And I have to say, it's so great to have some previous infrastructure, reputation and accomplishments to build on!  And it's even better to have a support team in place that has been helping make everything happen (especially food acquisition and meal prep).


We jumped into re-vamping the space very quickly. It was a mess, but not as big a mess as last time, so things moved along quite quickly. And although it was sometimes annoying to have all my stuff in the space that I moved from Colorado, it was usually quite helpful to have tools, equipment and other sundries within easy reach.


Our first night we shared our reasons for being here and what we hope to get out of the program. People warmed to each other quickly and there's a warm "summer camp" vibe among most folks. That doesn't mean we didn't hit rough spots -- especially colliding with certain people's expectations of how things "should" be run or organized.


Most of the week was invested in setting up physical infrastructure, getting started on projects, and connecting with each other and coaches. In our group work time near the end of the week, we covered gameshifting as a way to shape our social patterns while working together and also our hand/body signals for tweaking patterns without needing to verbally interrupt whatever is in process.


I'm also excited about Ruben's arrival and Claire's pending arrival. Things are just getting better!