Emory Mort+Next Step

Closing the Last Chapter


Accomplishments... "I want to acknowledge myself for..."

  • having a rich and varied experience here and in my whole life leading up to this
  • overcoming struggles and for the times of enjoyment
  • stepping into my own path... especially in the recent years...
  • breaking free of other pressures and influences
  • exploring and expanding what I thought I was
  • making lots of good jokes
  • bringing humor to "de-ice" myself
  • being with the fact that I feel broken and shattered in a lot of ways... and not pretending that I'm put together... 
  • letting latent interests emerge and be explored
  • reconnecting with practical skills and the earth
  • juggling a lot of balls at once... and being a pretty good juggler
  • going deep and attempting to access real, soulful meaning in my life... whole-heartedly but not obsessively
  • attempting to make things rather than fight against things... nourish instead of becoming embittered or undiscerningly polyanna-ish
  • working with people in various realms: gameshifting, fixing up the workspace, communications, projects
  • feeling part of a community in a different way than I ever have
  • offering the imagination presentations
  • for accepting coaching and feedback
  • standing for what's going on here when presenting it to others
  • hosting Connor
  • bringing things into the space
  • for being generous with this group in ways I've never been before
  • bringing and expressing my enthusiasm
  • for showing up like a grown up, and then becoming more than "a grown up" and restoring playfulness
  • letting magic be a major part of your life
  • making friends with your demons
  • Ruben: making me feel so welcome and comfortable at your house
  • Pri: for being my ambassador to Chatham, meeting me at the train, welcoming arrival, tour, parents home, etc.
  • for staying with yourself with you feel fine or not so fine... to have your full experience
  • for being someone who is committing to himself no matter what
  • for not being prejudiced in the kitchen... exploring, playful and open
  • getting a reusable cup, and using it
  • being a bridge to local resources
  • setting up and doing the radio interview
  • for bringing visitors and sharing with community and brothers
  • for being a seeker (and for finding us... and sharing the knowledge you've found in your seeking)
  •  - like casting the I Ching at the beginning of the labs
  • for spending the most time away, and yet for being the first/last, your leavetakings and rejoinings (rejoinders?)
  • for all the driving you've done... for all of us
  • Ben: for calling me into authenticity and embodiment
  • Kyle: for your "clever damage control" and making things easier
  • the work you're doing integrating your hard & soft (especially with family)
  • for making Mickki cry with your application (when she was reading it to Eric and I on the drive up from Asheville.) I'm sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. Thank you.
  • for sharing your gifts and intentions authentically... and dancing with what was needed...
  • going with the flow, and trusting yourself
  • for your bruschetta!
  • your leadership is accessible
  • Connor: the multi-dimensional you -- when I arrived I felt we were already friends, and in leaving... that our infinite friendship will continue on other planes
  • for our relationship of great magnitude and cosmic wonder
  • for practicing calling yourself out...


  • From my time here, I have changed my relationship with death. My old fearful perspective is complete and gone.
  • also I release myself from an expectation that it wasn't useful to think about death
  • a release from expectations that I would unconsciously follow the programming from parents, schoolmasters, media, etc
  • release the fear that I don't have the strength to live with purpose
  • completing my idea that I'm a high-achiever... and make space for what authentically wants to show up and be expressed
  • releasing a failure to put limits and healthy restrictions during this time -- I can do anything, but not everything
  • mark the fulfillment of a promise to honor the experience of being alive
  • release of the expectation that I can make my life perfect
  • release from the expectation that my experience and lessons would be appreciated by others in my life (especially parents)
  • the goal of changing the things for the better
  • expectation that I can't have beauty, comfort and wealth... or life would be too easy and I wouldn't grow
  • image of self a broken soul / shattered plate -- more like the imaginal cells forming a new organism -- a big happy mushy mess
  • my refusal to connect to other people and give a shit about them
  • from the expectation that I am not capable of forming long-tem, soulful relationships and connections -- significant others, community
  • release the pattern that I could calculate my way through life... merchant mind... rational navigation... minimal investmest and risk
  • release the expectation that I'll conform to the dialogue and communication of those around me (web site people, parents, family...) / released from the subtle but damning process of going along

Opening the Next Chapter


Where magic and inspiration are leading me

  • grateful that ELL isn't immediately re-opening... creates a new magical window
  • attuned to my body and to the earth
  • accessing my full capacities of craftmanship
  • opportunities for choice / freedom from fear and guilt
  • practicing astrology, working with my hands, working in community,
  • diving into my new ever-changing and blossoming relationships
  • creative projects, writing, humor, bodily performance, dance
  • teaching and workshops
  • take a trip / pilgimmage (maybe in the winter)
  • continue cultivating the relationships which emerged here