ELL Social DNA, Language and Process


Create the social processes, protocols and patterns for working together at a Lab.

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Dream Big: What does this project make possible in the world?

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Arthur Brock+Image

Arthur Brock builds targeted currencies that are at the core of the emerging post-industrial economy. He has created more than a hundred designs for multi-currency systems and his software company has built and deployed dozens of those systems.


Initially, Arthur put his degree in Artificial Intelligence to use at GM, Chrysler & Hughes, but he soon realized he was committed to bringing intelligence to social architectures rather than to computers. He started student-run schools and award-winning, employee-run businesses and discovered that the self-managing feedback loops needed to operate these types of organizations were built on particular patterns of incentives and measurement. He began to unlock the social DNA by which groups operate and uncover the critical role of currencies as carriers of that social DNA.


Arthur’s designs include currency systems for: collaborative scientific research, sustainable fishery management, corporate compensation plans, employee stock options, community-based economic development, business barter and exchange, triple-bottom-line trade credits, open source software development, customer loyalty programs, water rights, recirculating gift certificates, community service, employee performance management, arts & culture development, efficient resource sharing & management, and community & environmental impact assessment.


Based in Denver, Colorado, Arthur Brock consults worldwide with organizations which are actively restructuring themselves for the new economy. He speak at events about the future of money and value and the emergence of the next economy. He has consulted with Citibank and SWIFT about pre-empting disruptions in the financial transaction space and preparing currencies and transaction systems for the evolving future of value and how we relate to it.

Upstate New York


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Seb Paquet+Image

Seb Paquet is a scientist by training, an artist by vocation, and a social process expert by necessity.


He published one of the first Ph.D. theses on the social web, in 2003. As a researcher, professor and entrepreneur, he has spent the last decade experimenting with social tools that boost individual and collective intelligence.

Thus far, he has variously played roles of evangelist, explainer/popularizer, user advocate, connector, and catalyst in the applications of the social web to knowledge sharing and collaboration.

He is currently undertaking a 100-day Journey into the Creative Economy. He aims to help generate awareness of the potential of social web technologies, and create and spread a literacy of collaboration far and wide, in workplaces as well as in civil society.

He writes the Emergent Cities blog and tweets under the handle @sebpaquet.


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Arthur Brock+Image

Arthur Brock builds targeted currencies that are at the core of the emerging post-industrial economy. He has created more than a hundred designs for multi-currency systems and his software company has built and deployed dozens of those systems.


Initially, Arthur put his degree in Artificial Intelligence to use at GM, Chrysler & Hughes, but he soon realized he was committed to bringing intelligence to social architectures rather than to computers. He started student-run schools and award-winning, employee-run businesses and discovered that the self-managing feedback loops needed to operate these types of organizations were built on particular patterns of incentives and measurement. He began to unlock the social DNA by which groups operate and uncover the critical role of currencies as carriers of that social DNA.


Arthur’s designs include currency systems for: collaborative scientific research, sustainable fishery management, corporate compensation plans, employee stock options, community-based economic development, business barter and exchange, triple-bottom-line trade credits, open source software development, customer loyalty programs, water rights, recirculating gift certificates, community service, employee performance management, arts & culture development, efficient resource sharing & management, and community & environmental impact assessment.


Based in Denver, Colorado, Arthur Brock consults worldwide with organizations which are actively restructuring themselves for the new economy. He speak at events about the future of money and value and the emergence of the next economy. He has consulted with Citibank and SWIFT about pre-empting disruptions in the financial transaction space and preparing currencies and transaction systems for the evolving future of value and how we relate to it.

Upstate New York


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Seb Paquet+Image

Seb Paquet is a scientist by training, an artist by vocation, and a social process expert by necessity.


He published one of the first Ph.D. theses on the social web, in 2003. As a researcher, professor and entrepreneur, he has spent the last decade experimenting with social tools that boost individual and collective intelligence.

Thus far, he has variously played roles of evangelist, explainer/popularizer, user advocate, connector, and catalyst in the applications of the social web to knowledge sharing and collaboration.

He is currently undertaking a 100-day Journey into the Creative Economy. He aims to help generate awareness of the potential of social web technologies, and create and spread a literacy of collaboration far and wide, in workplaces as well as in civil society.

He writes the Emergent Cities blog and tweets under the handle @sebpaquet.


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Hi and welcome to my bio. I write creatively and journalistically, study astrological counseling with a teacher in New York City, have an active dream life, and have many other interests including edge science research through the SSE and bodywork training through the Rosen Method. In the academic realm, I have a degree in biological engineering from Cornell University where I also was a captain of the cross country team. As an athlete, I played many sports and was a dedicated distance running practitioner and coach for about 9 years. In 2010, shortly after I ran my first marathon in Philadelphia where I placed 2nd, my life experience was offered the first of many significant shocks when I met a man who was teaching a yoga class in Mercersburg, PA. I stopped running competitively and started investigating other worldviews. Since then, I have been exploring many different practices outside of the academic and sports world, and enjoy trying to synthesize my experiences in a valuable way for myself and others. Currently I live in Hudson, NY near my hometown of Ghent and am experimenting with the Emerging Leader Labs seed project in Chatham, NY.

Emory Mort+Visual History


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