ELL Seed Project+Coherence Holder

Arthur Brock+Image

Arthur Brock builds targeted currencies that are at the core of the emerging post-industrial economy. He has created more than a hundred designs for multi-currency systems and his software company has built and deployed dozens of those systems.


Initially, Arthur put his degree in Artificial Intelligence to use at GM, Chrysler & Hughes, but he soon realized he was committed to bringing intelligence to social architectures rather than to computers. He started student-run schools and award-winning, employee-run businesses and discovered that the self-managing feedback loops needed to operate these types of organizations were built on particular patterns of incentives and measurement. He began to unlock the social DNA by which groups operate and uncover the critical role of currencies as carriers of that social DNA.


Arthur’s designs include currency systems for: collaborative scientific research, sustainable fishery management, corporate compensation plans, employee stock options, community-based economic development, business barter and exchange, triple-bottom-line trade credits, open source software development, customer loyalty programs, water rights, recirculating gift certificates, community service, employee performance management, arts & culture development, efficient resource sharing & management, and community & environmental impact assessment.


Based in Denver, Colorado, Arthur Brock consults worldwide with organizations which are actively restructuring themselves for the new economy. He speak at events about the future of money and value and the emergence of the next economy. He has consulted with Citibank and SWIFT about pre-empting disruptions in the financial transaction space and preparing currencies and transaction systems for the evolving future of value and how we relate to it.

Upstate New York


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Eric Harris-Braun

Eric Harris-Braun+Image

Eric Harris-Braun designs and builds software infrastructure for the post monetary economy. He is a co-founder of the MetaCurrency project.  He works closely with TheTransitioner, a research and development group dedicated to understanding and developing new forms of collective intelligence, where he is the lead developer of the Flowplace.

Eric serves on the board of the New Economics Institute.  He is the co-founder of Glass Bead Software, a provider of peer-to-peer networking applications, and of Harris-Braun Enterprises, a free-lance software development shop, which has created, among other things, complex data-collection web-sites for the health-care industry, an Android application for catch-monitoring for the fishing industry, and which built and operates the Online Writers Workshop. In 1994, he published the Internet Directory, with Fawcett Columbine which sold over 100,000 copies, and which went on to a second edition in 1996 before thankfully being made obsolete by Google. Eric received a B.A. in Computer Science from Yale University.

Currently he lives in a straw-bale house in rural New York where he is part of a Quaker Intentional community, plays with his two kids, tends a garden and occasionally feeds the sheep and chickens.

East Chatham, NY


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