Connor Turland+Next Step

Closing the Last Chapter



  • switching from comp sci to knowledge integration in my first year of University
  • opening myself to and moving in to The Household
  • for continually revising my university coursework and courseload to lead to a happier and less in debt me
  • - example... I chose to skip an assignment, go for a walk, sit in the fields and know for myself what was of value
  • for being seen for who I am rather than numbers & transcript
  • for trusting my intuition and canceling Berlin ticket & trip which made it possible for me to do the Copenhagen trip the following year
  • for my online pursuits of learning and discovering the "real" stuff happening in the world that I care about (instead of Uni credit) e.g. MetaCurrency & NextEdge
  • participating in next edge groups as a rep for my age (me and Kyle) :)
  • for offering myself to be of service for the Europe trip and following those suggestions, which led to big, courageous, amazing, life-changing experiences and gave me the opportunity to start to be recognized on an international level for being a young player in this field I care about
  • for paying attention to relevant channels and my ability to recognize that I wanted to come to ELL
  • and for quickly making arrangements in my life, job, house, community and self to be here
  • my persistence in practicing self-acceptence and fluidity of being ... being not doing
  • for the courage it took to persist in going deeper into this unfolding
  • for increasing my capacity to say "no"
  • for asking for what I want
  • for accepting people's support and helping hands when offered
  • for the play I put on (wrote, recorded, choreographed, performed all within 48 hour period)
  • for sharing the "deepest why" about why I'm here and do what I do (esp. on the Google Hangout on Air)
  • for bringing the wisdom and distinctions from The Household and KI into the mix
  • for the bravery to exist outside of the social scaffolding of our society
  • for the wealth of experience your brought to me [Emory] driving, staying together, traveling together
  • for being in a brave and vulnerable place
  • for your play and your PLAY. For achieving what you said you wanted to do.
  • your spirit and determination to go where you want to go
  • your patience
  • your silliness, playfulness, ping-pong and crab hats
  • for playing ping-pong when we should have been making dinner
  • steadiness of purpose
  • musical talents
  • for using the space to sort out the unformed things within you
  • for doing your REAL work no matter what it looked like
  • having the courage to tackle starting one of these types of places in Waterloo
  • writing the sticky notes for myself... serious, significant, daunting, life-altering things... I've worked and played with them and shifted those relationships


  • I went from seeing my sister every day, to a world where I didn't see her so much. I didn't maintain a high level of contact with her or my folks. I'm releaseing the (projected) expectations that I should be communicating.
  • I release the self-judgment and criticism about failing to communicate.
  • I want to mark this as a transition point in my ability to express myself. I've reached it here, and now it's time to make a new goal.
  • I have the idea that others have the expectations of me to hold everything together for the group. I'm releasing that. (Household, Mad Hatter, Family, etc.)
  • I want to move forward without any attachment to outcomes in these groups
  • I'm releasing the idea that others won't take care of me in times of need
  • I'm letting go of the expectation that I have to keep it all together (for myself)... look polished or like have the answers
  • I release myself from the expecation that I should know how to do any of this already and should know more than I already know
  • I let go of the expectation that I need to be a certain person for Alex
  • Ruben: released of expectation to film tomorrow
  • Pri: release you of the expectation that you occupy the space of saying no.  Others can say no too.
  • Eric: problems at the border
  • Art: no expectation of ELL in Waterloo... just an experience of partner, co-collaborator who will do whatever wants to happen
  • I release my expectation of myself that I have to take care of my older brother and be his older brother

Opening the Next Chapter


Where the magic and inspiration is leading me...

  • Growing with my family into a whole new configuration and set of relationships with magical, as of yet discovered possibilities
  • The leadership that is showing up with other young people in building co-creative spaces with heart.  Growing with other inspired young men and women building deep relationshipos and new different future.
  • 2012: opportunity for a big NEXT STEP for Humanity
  • learning about expanded worldviews and realities.  It's big!
  • Excited about the magical quality to the New Economy Scene and the possibility of  being of service to The Scene
  • Identify my "citizenship" with the Community of Practice of Global Changemakers
  • Down the rabbit hole and up the spiral

Ritual: Acknowledge the freedom that comes from acting from your center instead of from expectations: brother, sister, family groups.