Community Eats is our donation based meals and events venue.
CEats is an important intersection between program participants and the wider community. It provides a space for relationship and mutual awareness within a tasty, fun, social setting. The community is invited to learn about ELL and its potential impact here, and Lab participants are able to recognize needs, offers and unaccounted wealth within the region.
It may serve as a catalyst and prototype for a growing network of local producers, creators, and consumers to appreciate basic sustainable value flows that support a healthy community. Check out an initial Map of food donors
A separate page with CEats Preparation lists plans and progress towards these goals. CEats Documentation shows how we are attempting to record and share our process and results.
* ad hoc facilities for shared storage, processing, and dining
* efficient collaborative bulk food production and prep
* creative presentation, with 'origin story' & entertainment
* raise awareness of thrivable economy and ecology
* community supported, community benefit
* social, fun, informative, co-created
* local food collection via donation, surplus, gleaning
* storage, processing, preparation, presentation
* local outreach, invitations, coordination
* guests, special entertainment, info
* growing regional network
* online hub
weekly...TBA...updates on Calendar page
We will post specific needs and opportunities for engagement here as they arise. Meanwhile,
The Community Eats steward is Eric Bear. Contact him if you want to help out!
Current needs for the Community Eats program include:
Community Eats is open to the public. Look for schedule and location updates here, or contact us for more details.