A Coach Team  provides personal support to participants (and support team?) in achieving their personal growth and project goals. Coach Team members typically have experience coaching prior to serving as an ELL coach, perhaps as professional life coaches, counselors (?) or other relevant ....



Coaches provide a way to create mechanisms for feedback and accountability - participants grant their coach the power to hold them accountable as desired.  Ideally, participants and coaches choose one another.  They key here is that unlike in most organizations in the cash economy, coaches are not your boss.  Participants have the authority to establish the amount of permission a coach has to hold them accountable, to make specific requests of coaches, and give feedback to th effectiveness of the coaching.  In addittion, because personal and interpsersonal conflict may arise at times for participants, coaches provide a key outside listener and perspective to offer participants guidance and support.



Coach to participant:  Agree to make themselves available. Agree to hold particicpants to account according to the level of permission they have been granted. Agree to not hold people to account for things they havent given permission for. Honor the confidentiality of participants diclosures.

Coach to coherence holder: Will show up to calls


Requirements for certification

For 8 week ELL session: There must be a coach team.  Participants must have coach.


Potential Roles

Coach team facilitator - they facilitate coach team calls and provide the primary link to and source of information about what is happening in the session.  He or she lets coaches know about any significant events or achievable steps that may be on the horizon for coaches to support partiicpants around, describes the interpersonal dynamics, etc.


Structures for Fulfillment

Regular coaching team meetings with coach team and coach team facilitator.  Calls provide an opportunity for coaches to share tips and tools with oneanother and get a broader sense of what is happening in ELL outside of the experience of their coachee.  The coach team facilitator and cohernce holders have an opportunity to communicate the broader flow of the session, and suggest ways in which the coaches can support participants during the evolution of the group.  Preliminary call to prepare for session, post session call for evauluation.


Selection Process

Must have experience coaching.  Must have confidence and experience in some way - not fly by night. General alignment with values and culture of ELL.