Kyle Sykes+Next Step


Closing the last chapter




  • faith that he could get where he needed to be
  • for getting both sides of my family to support me moving forward
  • for leaving home
  • for getting away from meds and showing I can be healthy without them
  • helpging to found ELL
  • getting gameshifting translated into reality
  • courage to act
  • new body learning ... Kyle style... still with high energy
  • embodying new skills and knowledge
  • full commitment to serve the group - doing whatever is asked of you
  • openness and ability to absorb information all around you
  • shifted speaking toward greater accessibility
  • no more distracting words, mouth-covering and gestures when speaking
  • coachability - willingness to take suggestions and corrections with grace
  • learning to take care of your self and your needs
  • being a role model for coachability - make me want to be a better person in receiving suggestions
  • for being a kind teacher
  • my increased awareness of what's going on in the group and around me
  • for the exercise I've been getting
  • for clear communication

Completion of Failures, Goals, Promises, Expectations

  • the sense that my ideas are so abstract that they can't be translated to reality
  • whatever medical condition I have... it doesn't control me
  • I may or may not want to go to college
  • I've unburdened myself of my family's expecations
  • releasing the expectation that my posts will be be noisy and non-sensical
  • releasing the expectation that it's impossible to do games/art/writing/acting all
  • the expectation that I won't be present in an interaction
  • acknowledged the end of any expectations from the source team of noise
  • releasing the expectation of providing breakthroughs through your body expression
  • releasing the expectation that you'll check in with me and how I'm doing
  • awkwardness around girls/women 
  • the discomfort of my appearance with braces

Opening the Next Chapter


Where is magic and inspiration leading me?

  • Make serious games and play guilds
  • Scheming with John Kellden about those things
  • Combining my interest in social sciences and arts - be a polymath
  • Traveling and seeing new parts of the world
  • Improve my writing/documentation/media skills for sharing what's important to me
  • Speak from a place of victory in defining myself and creating my life
  • Continuing to write my new story as an inspiration to myself and others
  • I can get what I want through my creativity
  • I learn from other's mistakes. It's my fast track to wisdom
  • Expect to be surprised
  • Improve my media & tech literacy and skills
  • Be present to other's needs and support their transitions
  • Learn more about materials for making games
  • Many, many friends in flesh and blood
  • Congruence between what I think and what I feel