Christopher Bojorge

Christopher Bojorge+Image

I was born in Mexico City in March 26th 1980, my mother raised me by herself. My whole education before University was in a Salesian catholic school. I have two enormous learnings in this stage of my life at the Salesian school.

First, in high school when I was 14 I discovered my talents in regards music thanks to a teacher whom still a great inspiration in my life, Lalo Zepeda,  I learned from him to play guitar and I found out that I could compose music and overall he taught me the real purpose of music in life, which is to inspire others and to have an positive impact in the comunity. Second, when I was 17,  at foundation school, I received inspiration from a visitor profesor, Miguel Fernandez, by then he was the head of the learning department at Complutense University. In his talks he show me how the world was run by those who doesn't care about the human collective but their own selfish purposes.  I understood I had to make a difference in this world.

Despite these two learnings, due to different situations I choosed a different study area when the University time came, I studied "Foreign commerce"and I kept for myself all the music I composed and all the good intentions to change the world. Soon after I finished the studies, when I was 24, I initiate a 7 years cycle on which I did not commited for any social or artistic purpose in my life, instead I started a job at local American Express, I entered a confort zone on which I really buy the idea to make a career there, buy a house form a family and stuff,  so I put all my energy, creativity, love into that job/lifestyle.

Luckily I could not obtain any of the promises of that job/lifestyle, all cycles has an end, so a few months before I quit that job/lifestyle I entered into a crisis, which really help me to put things in perspective, so I realized that making a big company richer and to colaborate to sustain and perpetrate an financial/emotional dependant lifestyle which enslaves the human psique was really spiritually empovershing me I discover I was unhappy. So I finally quit the job, I left the apartment I was renting, no specific plan nor life earning alternative cross my mind by then.

So with the last savings I had when I was 31 I started to spiritually nourish myself by traveling arround Mexico, by reviewing all sort of documentaries, I started to compose music again,  by knowing new kinds of people whom were at the same stage in their lifes as I was. The life, the universe had opened my eyes and I have been allowing myself to other experiences, other posibilities.

As of then I realized that abundance has to do with a different perspective that the one the system sells. I have been able to have certification in permaculture without any monetary exchange involved, the ONG providing these certification accept barter in exchange. I have been woofing in a ecovilage. I have been sharing my music. The seeds planted by my teachers in highschool finally are starting to grow and flourish. I'm very rich now, although I have not a bank account nor a regular job not a space of my own to live. My friends and family also supported me in some steps of these journey.

An then here I am, a few days ago I discover this project on which I really want to colaborate.


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