Gameplanning page for a tailored public web platform to enhance and evolve the Community Eats regional food system initiative (and related collaborative resilience activities).


Tentative project title: Columbia Greenweavers


a virtual portal to our common wealth and wisdom


Our overriding goal is to raise awareness about the nature of value flows that support healthy communities and environments around the region.


Note sheet with CEats features and uses


Initial objectives:

  1. describe clear value propositions for participants
  2. design for engagement, functionality, and feasibility
  3. install open source content + community management system
  4. gather data about local sustainable food system
  5. coordinate an event series
  6. extend and replicate




currents - what are the existing flows to acknowledge and enhance, and which may emerge?


content - appropriate formatting for media, messages, meaning


accounts - how do we track wealth and trust tallies within the system


community - what features and events will foster strong user community


context - why is this needed here now, and what larger impact is possible





 - Drupal 7 CMS (Community Tools, Community Forge, Commons)

 - initial trials via bricolage of existing online tools

 - Brand and style considerations

 - microformats and conventions for interoperability



Prototyping Timeline:


1. Currently, there is a Map of food donors on this site, as a geographic image of participation within the context of ELL. A shared spreadsheet is in the works to track incoming contributions.


2. Next step is to develop a questionnaire for contributors, to better understand their needs and wants, so that this information can be shared with lab participants and the wider community.


3. Event planning and prep is underway for a series of public dinners and presentations. As dates and offerings are resolved, these will be posted to the Calendar page as a temporary bulletin board.


4. Installing and customizing an independent content management system (CMS) will proceed as it becomes clear what functionality, and trajectory, are truly valuable at this stage.