Benjamin Brownell+Next Step

Closing the Last Chapter



  • being present and open here with detachment/release/surrender/openness to being acknowledged
  • looking with fresh eyes into what I'm holding/carrying/intending
  • focused efforts where I saw I could provide value
  • a willingness to push/risk with others
  • honesty
  • new interactions
  • mixing working & play
  • cross-pollinating project
  • being willing to look at fears, weaknesses, doubts & frustration
  • finding strength to get through isolation & detachment
  • being the first of our group to go swimming in the river
  • building a balanced arch
  • curry and cooking
  • awesome video - working hard to complete a video project which carries a message we're trying to share
  • finding chicken of the woods and other mushrooms and bringing it to our dining table
  • taking initiative around gathering and picking food for our meals from the gardens
  • passion for documentation / media and care for the audience to connect
  • aperspectivalism
  • kindness and sensitivity
  • driving Ruben
  • sexy legs!
  • taking time to exercise regularly ... and for getting quiet time and connection to nature
  • flexibility and ease around housing arrangements
  • expressing urgency when needed
  • knowledge: breadth and depth of practical knowledge
  • courage to try to hitch-hike to australia
  • consistent awareness of self and group 
  • self-awareness
  • stewarding the conflict with Lynn gently and elegantly
  • taking the week to drive across the country this spring
  • sticking with the vision and passion for being a part of a project like this
  • being brave and perservering
  • giving permission to others to explore... and connect with earth...
  • being scared and speaking anyway
  • jumping right into leadership around fixing up the space on day one
  • ocean room floor
  • continue to explore gameshifting
  • the size of your heart
  • integrity, perspective, insight, clarity.
  • humor and  perspicacity


  • releasing the need to have a clear plan 
  • I release my fear for my own survival
  • release the sense of being incapable of having a loving relationship
  • expectations of myself providing perfectly clear, concise communication 
  • let go of expectations for a personality that is full of humor, wit and spontaneity
  • release the need to always be focused on a task, outcome or concrete goal
  • letting go of the goal of excessive wealth in traditional terms... release the need for that kind of "security"
  • let go of attachment to money as the measure of worth and wealth
  • let go of failure have a home/community/partner/wealth/purpose/resume/family
  • let go of changing the world (today)
  • Pri: release you of the expectation that I have to do things your way for you to see me.
  • Eric: release you of the expectation to do more video stuff
  • release others of having to produce deliverables
  • release others from having to communicate about ELL in a way that I expect
  • release others from having to fit their story telling into my framework
  • releasing connection and assessments about past incomplete projects and failures
  • needing to know who I am

Opening the Next Chapter


Where is magic and inspiration leading me?

  • into the great wide open
  • facing fully forward each day
  • being released, open and present
  • returning to affirmation of myself
  • play with exercise more and more (also as a way to connect with people and projects, and my own power and potental)
  • continue to cultivate and explore ablity to see and convey through the magic of media
  • accessing latent beauty, truth, value and coherence ... uncovering, discovering and connecting it
  • weaving / finding common ground
  • bridge building ... allowing people to step outside of their normal story into healthy new perspectives
  • helping others to acknowledge and release
  • ceremony of communion, amnesty, transcendance
  • inspired to be more me each day
  • stretching boundaries and growing without losing center / integrity
  • taking on more practices ... kindness & compassion
  • a lady in my future