Benjamin Brownell+Brief Bio
I'm excited by the idea of an emerging ecosystem for social innovation and sustainable peer production!
My personal story leads from outdoorsey childhood in Oregon, through undergrad physics / astronomy education, into media production and ecological design. I am keen on the idea of networked agile ecovillaging, utilizing digital tools to engage large supportive communities in this process as stakeholders.
I am working to develop prototypes and projects around Columbia County, NY, including the Solaqua home base of Emerging Leader Labs. This includes permaculture design, natural building and landscape art, community organizing and outreach, video production, team building, personal growth and learning, open enterprise development, gift exchange, and lots of fun risk and reward.
I am comfortable in roles like ideation, invention, strategy, observation, and push my edge on things like project management, group facilitation, communications, marketing/soliciting, mentorship, and executive action.
I believe, and increasingly act, in accordance with the evident abundance of nature and networks.