Alexandra Kamins

Alexandra Kamins+Image

The daughter of a microbiologist and a psychologist, I have loved science since I first exploded baking soda and vinegar across my mother's kitchen. I was also one of those horse-crazy girls (stick ponies, Breyers, stuffed animals...) and never outgrew it; at 16 I got my beloved red steed instead of a car. My paintings and sketchbooks are all filled with horses. But I've never considered a career with them. I just received my PhD from the University of Cambridge in Veterinary Medicine, and I have my BS from Emory in Biology. I know my work lies in helping people flourish, whether that's physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. I've strongly considered a career in public health, after years of doing health reserach in sub-Saharan Africa, but I am currently exploring careers in education. I've watched the system destroy science education (I survived it only because I'm great at the game and my parents are amazing), and I can taste a future that celebrates creativity, embraces all kinds of intellegences, and nutures us as the compassionate humans we are. 


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