Agreements Grid



Makes Agreements:Coherence HoldersSource TeamFacilitation TeamSupport TeamCoach TeamPaticipantsHost CommunityWhole/ CoherenceGuests to Whole


Agreements are Made to:I will exist.I will hold you accountable for fulfilling the promises you make to whole program. I will support you by providing social capital, intellectual capital, and/or financial capital when needed, before during and after the session.I will work to deliver the promises. I will embrace the ELL facilitation style. I will facilitate the emergence of a "magic group."I will suport session and maintain or increase level of coherenceI will support participants in personal growth so that can thrive in the session.I will honor the resources provided by working on my project and sharing results.


Coherence Holders


Source TeamI agree to give you permission to hold me accountable. I will hold myself accountable for "the buck stopping here." - not accountable for doing it, but for making sure it happens.I agree to give you permission to holding me accountable to following through on my comittments.I will communicate with the Source Team and give feedback on experience of the session. I will join Source Team calls as requested.I will manage logistics to meet needs of program. I will honor the relationships created with the community. I will contribute to the gathering of social capital.I will honor the resources provided by working on my project and sharing results.


Facilitation TeamI am the I am. + I will provide a copy of the I Ching for you to ask for advice in the process. I will recruit a certified facilitator. I will ensure you have access to the ELL facilitation body of support materials.I will be available to explore and give advice on the challenges you face with the group.I will honor the ELL model and explore ways to improve experience by finding my right placement in the process and the facilitation team.I will hold coherence for logistics to be managed so that you can focus on group process. I will participate in group time and make that a priority.I will create space for dialogue and collaboration and take into account the information and perspective you provide in order to support participants.I will honor sacredness of group time. I will trust the facilitation process enough to allow the 3 promises to be delivered. I will offer feedback in order to improve everyone's experience.


Support TeamI will providing coaching to support team. I will make sure you have what you need. I will be intermediary who communicates needs with Source Team.I will source the basic social capital and other resources (financial if needed) in order to meet the logistical needs on site for food, housing, and workspace. I will ensure that you are to set up to successful manage those relationships moving forward. I will honor your presence as part of the group and welcome you to the groups process, ie. I will hold cohrence for the Support Team having equal role in the group as participants.I find my right placement, honor my commitments, and be open to coaching. I give permission to holding me acountable. I will contribute to the coherence around logistics, especially food and cleaning. I will maintain efficient flows of communication with support team so that they can work better.


Coach Team? do the facilitators talk directly to the coach team, or is this primarily the role of the coherence holders?I will communicate and give feedback about process and participants so that you have the information you need to coach.I will show up and share my insights with the group to strengthen our mutual coaching abilities.I will honor your time by showing up for our call and remaining open to exploring possibilities for personal growth. I will be clear on where I want to work on growth and the specfic permissions I grant you to help me do that.


PaticipantsI will this shit to happen. The resources will be available. The teams will be in place. It shall be! You will have a workspace, basic needs met, facilitators, coaches. We will deliver the promises of an ELL.I will source the resources to cover your basic needs so that you can works on your project.I will deliver promises and facilitate the emergence of a "magic" group.I will manage logistics in a coherent way so that you can prioritize work on project Agree to make themselves available. Agree to hold particicpants to account according to the level of permission they have been granted. Agree to not hold people to account for things they havent given permission for. Honor the confidentiality of participants diclosures. I will Honor sacredness of group time. I will respect other individuals and acknowledge self as part of collective when making decisions around using resources, food, space, etc.


Host CommunityI will honor your gifts and ensure that the gift continues to flow. I will ensure that value of ELL is expressed to the community which supports it. I will hold ELL people accountable to honoring commitments they make to hosts.I will honor your requests.I will respect space and honor requests. Campsite rules.


To the whole/coherence?"Honor the Sacredness of Group Time"intangibles, future distinctions as ELL evolves"Honor the Sacredness of Group Time""Honor the Sacredness of Group Time"Help ELL continue to grow and improve by giving feedback onsite and especially after it is over - survey, interview, etc. Help ELL tell the story of my project externally so that we can demonstrate value created. "Honor the Sacredness of Group Time"One turning burning diamond. Ohm.
