Active Storylines

Participants and support team members are working together to capture and distribute an informative, inspiring, 'inside' look at the Lab experience and its shareable value.


Our collective impact is amplified via open conversations around goals and accomplishment, which reinforce and build on desireable results. Some of those conversations may sound like:


"Starting and running an enterprise [accelerator] within the gift economy is possible, and generative."

"Revitalizing neglected assets (spaces, materials, and surplus) can lead to systemic local transformation."

"Self-directed, project-based work and learning brings out our highest productive capacities."

"Transparency and authenticity builds trust for extraordinary collaborative achievement."

"Demonstrated accomplishment is a precursor to sustainable financial opportunity."


The following are focal points for media production in support of communication, documentation, outreach, and impact for the ELL enterprise:



1.  Overview - background of the Lab, major players, settings, status, objectives


2. Pragmatics - what's it take to make all of this work, day-to-day?


3. Personalities - aquaintance and perspective through participants


4. Processes - what are some of the social dynamics and tools we enjoy


5. Outcomes - tracking concrete results and achievements


6. Acknowledgements - grattitude and recognition for supporters


7. Extensibility - how can the Labs be expanded, evolved, and replicated



There are also individual Project storylines capturing the trajectory and personality of participant's work within the Lab setting. All of these narratives may employ some of the following mechanisms for effective communication:


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Content is produced and distributed with an eye towards demonstrable, positive impact. Towards that end, we are targeting some

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A session overview video is in the works to capture and weave essential storylines from this round of the labs.