People have asked for an idea of what things might look like around the Lab during a day. This is a sketch of what a typical day might look like, but the specifics of how all of this works is created as an integral part of your participation in the Emerging Leader Lab.


Time Happenings
8:00am Some of the early birds come in to get a head start on their projects. Some people are asleep or having breakfast in their host homes.
9:00am The workspace is pretty full of people working with each other, talking to their coaches, prepping for the 9:15 standup meeting.
9:15am Stand-up meeting of all the participants. Here we briefly share progress, promises for the day, and any requests of each other.
9:30am People splinter off into conversations and project workgroups.
10:00am Practicum/Workshop: How to work effectively with teams.
12:30pm Lunch with produce from a local farm cooked up by a participant who has undertaken a project around healthy sustenance.
Afternoon Time to work on projects
Later Afternoon Unstructured time to play, explore, and create
6:00pm Dinner is served at Community Eats
10:00pm The Lab is closed for the night and we kick out the stragglers to go home.


There are no specific number of hours you're supposed to work, just the results you've promised to produce.



  • Regular participation in activites in the workspace, including things like: your projects, other people's projects, preparing food, creating an inspiring and functional work space, cleaning, etc.
  • Regular communication with your coach. (You'll sort out how often and how long together.)
  • Keep your agreements and meetings you've scheduled (with project collaborators, coaches, etc.)
  • Communicate with the source team about any changes in your well-being, participation or status in the program.

Likely time commitment:

  • Daily short meetings for staying connected to each others projects and making requests of each other (see 10am above).
  • Weekly All-Team Meeting for all participants where the decisions for running the Labs are made.
  • Once or twice a week workshops or practicums for establishing shared language and frames of reference for working together effectively. (See 11:15am above.)