2013 Summer (in Chatham, NY)+week 2+Coaching Team Call+Call Summary



Call Summary:

Maia/Arthur/Dave /Ruben (on location at the ELL),  Gonzalo, Maggie, Felix, Mary, Christie, Yana, Chet.

Missed: D'Artagnan, Alexandra.


It was a powerful call as we continue to go deeper together:


 1.    We checked in about our first connection with our Participants.  Everyone reported a "good, clear and open, easy" call.

Several conections had not yet made, but anticipated.  (Chet and Sean. D'Artagnan and Ishan - whose arrival was delayed).

Those on location were able to share insights from the mornings first introductory "5-minute Slams".

     We shared areas we saw 'development pathways'/breakthrough areas for participants.

     Chet presenced for us the powerful inquiry: 'are we trying to change a coachee's personality or way of being'?  How - and are - we being responsible for our own projections?  Are we deciding what the next breakthrough is, or are we listening for a 'mentor partner's' own intentions and areas to have a breakthrough?  How are we doing this in a way that 'midwives' another persons next step in evolving their potential. 


2.    Felix:  Shared with us a brief understanding of how "Metrics and Measures" can serve us. 

     He presenced for us the practice and inquiry of 'how might we want to keep track of developments, progress, insights, learning, outcomes, miracles, etc etc.?'  An essential piece to what he shared was that 'metrics/measures/tracking/data collection' is a way for us to give visibility to  'invisible social architecture' .  This is a way for us to take qualities of reality/Life that may not be being valued - or even seen - and give them value. 

     Some of us shared ways in which we currently track (e.g. note taking), keeping track of development in both 'Being & Doing/Action'. Mary emphasized using tracking in a way that empowers a 'coachee' to track their own development - having them create a medium where their breakthroughs are visible to them.  (This ELL site is an excellent place for our participants and us to do this).   


3.   Discussion on strategies for Week 2: Ways to approach Project Design, the What by When, strategy, outcomes and intentions. 

       We discussed the delicate, amazing complexity of holding an Intention with stated outcomes, and the knowledge that the process and journey there may completely change everything as it unfolds; being Intentional while being highly adaptable and creative.  Maggie said it succinctly; 'Having a clear intention and seeing that there are many different ways to get there'.

     We emphasized the importance of not 'thinking in the box'.   We are holding space for a Paradigm Shift.  We want to stay on our toes, noticing that we have an enormous tendency  to think in pre-conditioned ways.  We want to stay on our collective edge in terms of brainstorming for actualizing new potentials in evolutionary ways that transcend and include older models of how things  are created.  We - the entire ELL - is itself a reflection of that very edge; creating social innovation/entrepreneurship and leadership/stewardship for the planet outside of a monetized contex.  This is us changing cultural agreements - changing ideas and habits about what we think we can do, how we can do it, what and how we Value, and how unconfined we can be in expressing our human intelligence.  We are an embodied example of the fiery spirit of cultural innovation - thinking and acting outside of the box!

4.   (Chet, Ruben, and Felix briefly shared what their intentions are for themselves to get out of our 8-week intensive together):

Chet: Take further ground in developing social entrepreneurship from a new level.  Develop awareness of how we are/can go forward with this in a practical, tangible way.  That this work - creating new paradigms together - is more important than anything else!

Ruben: Being part of something greater that fulfills me.  To be useful and valuable to this.  To love people more, get to know myself better, and here to learn, to learn how I evolve, and to feel extraordinary!

Felix:  To engage with a new space in new ways.  To transcend the academic, developing new paradigms.  To be challenged and grow.


5.  Value-Creation:

Focus.  Better feel for each individual. 

Connection.  And sharing together as a group our coaching perspectives/insights for the participants.

Perspective.  The Value of the huge cross-referencing.

Umbutu (sp?): "I am because we are - we are because I am".  A hive mind.  And a practical application for it.

The reminder that we are not 'making' people - we're all going to where it's better.  The value of "talking to ourself" [questioning and thinking ourselves out loud with each other].

The diversity of voices.

Preparing and actually beginning to do work.

The beauty and 'perfection' in us coming together in this way: Life-Coaches bringing their gift and training for partnering with people to actualize new potential - that we do this at service for the New Paradigm we all desire.  And that there is something that happens when we do this for it's own sake, with no money attached as an influence or motivation.

Proud of being part of this circle.

Holding space and conditions for miracles to occur.

The value and complexity of using Measures & Metrics, to give this a language for the world and to the evolutionary perspective.

Recreation[next evolution] of the Council of Elders:  we are bringing this/being this 'body' for our society.