2013 Summer (in Chatham, NY)+Week 5+Coaching Team Call+Call Agenda

Call Agenda:


1)  Report from ELL on-site (Art & Ruben).

    - Review last weeks objectives: up-leveling vulnerability. 

    - Brief reflection on each 'Maker': project and leadership update.

    - Discuss Theme/Intention of the Week: Prepping for July 27 open-house presentations.

    -  "What is the big Dream?  What is the big picture we are all working for?  What is the Big Story in which ELL is happening?..."


2) Open Sharing:

    - Share insights, practice vulnerability.

    - Paradigm Shift vs. Capacity Shift

    - Follow-up streams from last call:

           - D'Artagnan: Transformative Learning Outcomes. 

           - Gonzalo: Integral Map, Holocracy practice...

           - Felix: mapping, measures....

           - Yana: fostering intimacy on the phone/(geography).


3)  Relevant info/logistics:

     - Call time for next week. (CA and London time).