2013 Summer (in Chatham, NY)+Goals and Accomplishments+week 3+Accomplishments
- I got rid of what was holding up the space there (in other words this Accomplishments section/page here)... please continue the intentions, accomplishments and such. It's been a couple weeks now and nothing new has shown up on the site... could be due to me..
- An introduction to who I am: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIL5LnTEDxY Next Steps Talk (With Ben!)
- An Understanding of Game Architecture and coming to the fact that I am a Social (Game) Architect
- That GameShifting got implemented into the Agile Learning Centers and the Manhatten Free School
- Here is the link to my Facebook and Twitter and Google Plus About Me : I know its buried in the site. https://www.facebook.com/kyle.sykes.14 and https://twitter.com/ErgoFlows https://plus.google.com/u/0/101450272276894168819/about
- I made a PearlTree this year based on #DeepWealth It's dubbed #TheFreeSpace and based on #LiquidCurrencies such as the #DreamBank http://www.pearltrees.com/#/N-u=1_507861&N-fa=4194042&N-s=1_8821300&N-f=1_8821300&N-p=85654509 and I dub it the FreeSpace. A MakerLab that doesn't need a physical space, but encourages one. Or Many.
- http://prezi.com/e5zrfimyza4p/thefreespace4dream/ The Prezi that I made about the #FreeSpace4Dream.
- P.S. Keep at it. Don't Stop. Fail Better. Be Uncomfortable. Makers do! I might write some more (coherent) journals in the future as I am working on my Reportage skills. The Democratization of content and information is important to me. I also have this idea about A.R.T. talks aka Agile Resilience Talks. So it would come out like this.... A.R.T. Make things possible. Perhaps that is what the Vision Showcase was. I read the PR online. It was nice.
- P.S.S. Look up my Next Steps card in the website. Under Chronology or Kyle Sykes [Next Step]
-But please keep me posted and updated. I want to engage in correspondance with The Fellow Makers! That includes the other Founders. I'm still in this. I also hear your now designing a Fall Session. I want in. :D