2013 Summer (in Chatham, NY)+Goals and Accomplishments

+week 2+Accomplishments

Group Accomplishments

  • Linoleum down in the kitchen & washable/whiteboard walls
  • Flower of life in the yellow room / Yellow room 
  • Weeding & gleaning at Common Hands Farm
  • built trust & vulnerability and fun
  • project slams
  • Ruben's crazy dance
  • MetaMapping ELL ecosystem
  • Came up with the menu plan, roles, delicious & healthy food
  • Established connection with Quaker community (Friday potluck)
  • Celebrated FOUR birthdays
  • Shifted toward co-creative responsibility for generating ELL
  • Accomplished a lot in upgrading the space
  • Have an outdoor washing (triple) sink
  • Upgraded electricity in building to 150 amps
  • We're using metamaps and finding the connections between our projects

Individual Accomplishements



  • Got a streamscapes workspace and whiteboard set up


  • Getting here and setling in
  • Able to fit in the work I needed to do for projects outside of ELL
  • Maintained connection and communication with the people from home


  • Confident in direction I'm headed
  • Resolved my issues about when I could be here and when I couldn't
  • Telling a positive story :)
  • Happy to go weeding and gleaning


  • Realization: I have more value to share than I give myself credit for
  • Identified more of my role and gifts around metamaps
  • Finished reading book Eric gave me


  • Getting here across the country
  • Got connected, related, settled in, restored to myself.


  • Got in touch with coach, and have gotten much clearer about my projects and the work I need to do.


  • Jumped to next level of building field with coaches
  • I threw my first dance party AND YOU ALL CAME!!
  • The non-monetary context of ELL is spilling blessings all over other aspects of my life, and relationships, and clients. And it's AWESOME!


  • Had personal breakthrough from coaching conversations with an unparalleled depth of value
  • Got a lot of programming progress done. Beginnings of JavaScript rewrite done.


  • Found where support was needed and took care of those needs
  • Was being present, open and honest
  • Excellent conversation w/ Conner (coachee)


  • Got to recognize the ways I can contribute and a sense of my responsibility at ELL this year
  • Got connected with everyone, especially support team members I'm supporting


  • Moved from not knowing how to start writing to accomplishing good, focused, thoughtful writings about ELL


  • Got a workspace set up (mostly)
  • Supported collective breakthrough in vulnerability and restoring balance of facilitation to being generated by the group.


  • Made strong connection to metamaps and using it for assignments for Gaia U
  • Surprising consequences from being here... job offer


  • Clear up things from home so I could be here with integrity
  • Breakthroughs with Eric B. in working around food. 
  • Created a system to manage the food needs and process
  • Worked with Story Telling after Ben's presentation


  • Feel like I got a lot done on MFS... moved from not knowing what to do into much clearer action and role
  • Practiced my "prospective parent pitch"
  • Felt like I connected to the group through the physical play/dance/sharing


  • Got 2 weekly newsletters written and sent
  • Had critical conversations about foundation of ALC
  • used metamaps to map conversation and outline our IndieGoGo campaign
  • Got comfortable with everyone and ready to rock with them

+week 3+Intention

Group Intentions

  • Update GameShifting boards to one we'll use [That sounds great!]
  • Implement a kanban board for our group work time [You may erase this note Kyle is happy about this since he has researched them some]
  • Finish Kitchen
  • Physical Play Session [ I remember 'I wish... why not?]
  • Group Clean-up Slam
  • Finish Yellow Room
  • Continue to remove barriers to collective intelligence (shame, blame, ego, etc.)
  • Increasing vulnerability and honesty

Individual Intentions


  • (my last week before leaving for Russia for two weeks)
  • Get crowdfunding ready to launch. Support video process.
  • Get un-blacklisted with NYC DOE


  • Get the word out about Community Eats
  • Implement a daily rhythm for myself and the support team about observations and needs 
  • Focused on growing and refining my new relationship to food
  • I want to talk more with people... grappling with the balance of silence, listening, and speaking


  • Start an implementation cycle on Streamscapes - getting tool chain up and running to build a virtual machine receptor
  • Make the space beautiful -- Keep upgrading beauty, cleanliness and organization in the space


  • Get a functional re-written iteration of JavaScript done
  • The self-care and discipline required to accomplish that ^ goal
  • Start an every 4 day cycle for a "what's missing meditation"
  • Connect with Ishan personally early in the week


  • Explore implmentation of Gameshifting for my projects
  • Refining my desktop kanban board
  • Research grants


  • Move from stillness to thriving practices 
  • Break writing work into sections and start to structure what needs to be written


  • Journal about this experience
  • Find a way to support from afar
  • Remain grounded
  • Create a personal kanban board


  • Extraordinary next-tier / new depth with coaching team
  • Amazing gathering of women
  • Preparation for studio voice session


  • Support Connor's focus on development
  • See how I can manage workflow and support Robert in contributing from his strengths
  • Review legal aspects / terms of service / terms of use
  • Maintain consistent communication with the wider mm community  and related opportunities
  • Maintain connection with our other team members who aren't here


  • Practice telling the story about ELL
  • Connect with Chet
  • 1 -2 weekly reflections
  • Learn to post a video
  • Support farm relationships
  • Work on a web site for my Yoga Teaching / Garden Practice
  • Feel more comfortable in the group setting / sitting and talking


  • Connect with the support team
  • Get social media stream flowing
  • Collaborate with Haiz around writing


  • Support Eric in Streamscapes development
  • Physical exercise 3x this week (dance, yoga, ultimate) 
  • Eat high protein breakfasts instead of cereal
  • Finish getting workspace workable


  • Proactive in my project development
  • Meditate every morning and exercise every day


  • Make progress on launching crowdfunding campaign
  • Conversations: interns (How to attract the right people and build long-term connection), pull together resources for increasing staffing and supporting interns, coaching (how to structure and develop our coaching program), recruitment (strategy and actions we can take to increase enrollment)
  • Read more (at night and in the morning)
  • Continue physical workouts in new ways


  • Explore with the support team how we can support better
  • Martial arts bounce back  to feet move

+week 3+Accomplishments



  • P.S. Keep at it. Don't Stop. Fail Better. Be Uncomfortable.  Makers do! I might write some more (coherent) journals in the future as I am working on my Reportage skills. The Democratization of content and information is important to me.  I also have this idea about A.R.T. talks aka Agile Resilience Talks.  So it would come out like this.... A.R.T. Make things possible. Perhaps that is what the Vision Showcase was. I read the PR online. It was nice. 
  • P.S.S. Look up my Next Steps card in the website. Under Chronology or Kyle Sykes [Next Step] 

-But please keep me posted and updated. I want to engage in correspondance with The Fellow Makers! That includes the other Founders. I'm still in this. I also hear your now designing a Fall Session. I want in.  :D