All structure rules that apply to
cards of a given type
Program Facilitators
The Program Facilitators are on site during the session delivering the special sauce of the Labs: the Human Alchemy of gathing people to produce outrageous results together.
{{+Program Facilitators|view:content;item:closed;show:menu}}
Source Team
The Source Team is the Jedi Council, or Wisdom Council, or Council of Elders who are at the source of making this session happen. They provide the guidance, perspective, expertise and skills to pull it off. Although they'e not necessarily on site during the session, they also provide the Social Capital necessary to be able to do a project like this without money.
{{+Source Team|view:content;item:closed;show:menu}}
Support Team
The Support Team support the daily operations of the program and facility. This involves communications, logistics, housing, sourcing food, transportation, documentation, media production, publishing, public relations, social media, and the general activing of keeping the plates spinning in the air.
{{+Support Team|view:content;item:closed;show:menu}}
Program Participants
The Program Participants are what it's all about. They're the ones bringing their heart, soul and visions and running themselves through the ringer to break through the barriers between them and the difference that they want to make on the planet. Not an easy job, but someone's got to do it.
The Coaches guide the participants through their growth, project development, and personal breakthroughs. Each participant has a coach working with them individually to make sure they get what they need from the program.
{{+*from | labeled | link}} {{+*to | labeled | link}} {{+*cc | labeled | link}} {{+*bcc | labeled | link}} {{+*subject | titled}} {{+*html message | titled}} {{+*text message | titled}} {{+*attach | titled}}
{{+*type+by name|content}}
{{+Image|type:image; size:medium; float:left; padding:10px;}}
{{+Communication Preferences|view:open;width:200px; overflow:hidden; white-space:no-wrap; float: right; padding: 10px}}
{{+Links|view:open;width:200px; overflow:hidden; white-space:no-wrap; float: right; padding: 10px;}}
{{+Brief Bio}}
{{+Where I Live|type:phrase}}
{{+Visual History|type:image;}}
{{Post a new Journal Entry|view:content; float:right;}}{{+Journal Entries by User|titled;}}
{{+Your Name|type:phrase}}
{{+Your Email|type:phrase}}
{{+Your Phone|type:phrase}}
{{+Your Message to Us}}
{{+Internal Notes}}
Name: {{+Your Name|type:phrase}}
Email: {{+Your Email|type:phrase}}
Cell Phone: {{+Your Cell Phone|type:phrase}}
Pickup Location: {{+Pickup Location|type:pointer;view:raw}}
Date: {{+Ride Date|type:date}}
Time: {{+Ride Time|type:phrase}}
Notes: {{+Ride Notes}}
Purpose: {{+Purpose|content;type:phrase;}}
One Sentence Synopsis: {{+Synopsis|content;type:phrase;}}
Current Phase: {{+Phase|content;item:name}}
given field cards
{{_left+Revenue Flows}}
{{_left+Organiztion Type}}
{{_left+Coherence Holder|type:Linked Users;item:closed}}
{{_left+Source Team Members|view:titled;type:Linked Users;item:closed}}
{{_left+Measurable Impact|view:titled}}
{{_left+Media and Video|view:titled}}
{{_left+Core Principles|view:titled}}
{{_left+Social Processes|view:titled}}
{{_left+Fiscal Agent|view:titled}}
{{_left+Launch Threshold|view:titled}}
{{_left+Coherence Holder|type:Linked Users;item:closed}}
{{_left+Source Team|type:Linked Users;item:closed}}
{{_left+Players|type:Linked Users;item:closed}}
{{_left+Ways to Participate}}
{{_left+Web Site}}
{{_left+Operating Protocols}}
{{_left+Value Flows}}
{{_left+Resource Flows}}
{{_left+Measured Results}}
{{_left+Session Logistics|view:open;width:200px; overflow:hidden; white-space:no-wrap; float: right; padding: 10px}}
{{_left+Summer 2013+Week 1+Coaching Recap|open}}
{{_LL+Web Site|type:phrase;}}
{{_LL+Google Plus|type:phrase;}}
{{+Call Agenda}}
{{+Call Summary}}
{{+Week Focus}}
Highlights/Insights/Value creation:
{{+discussion|titled; show:comment_box}}
{{suppress discussion title}}
Coach: {{+*creator|view:naked;item:name;}}
Applying for: {{+Session|type:pointer;view:raw}}
Review State: {{+app_review_state|type:pointer;view:raw}}
Please provide two personal or professional references.
Notify us that your application is complete
Dream Big: What does this project make possible in the world? {{_left+Inspiring Story|open}}
Coherence Holder: {{+Coherence Holder|view:content;type:Linked Users;item:closed}}
given field cards on a given type
Program Facilitators
The Program Facilitators are on site during the session delivering the special sauce of the Labs: the Human Alchemy of gathing people to produce outrageous results together.
{{+Program Facilitators|type:pointer;view:content;item:closed;show:menu}}
Source Team
The Source Team is the Jedi Council, or Wisdom Council, or Council of Elders who are at the source of making this session happen. They provide the guidance, perspective, expertise and skills to pull it off. Although they'e not necessarily on site during the session, they also provide the Social Capital necessary to be able to do a project like this without money.
{{+Source Team|type:pointer;view:content;item:closed;show:menu}}
Support Team
The Support Team support the daily operations of the program and facility. This involves communications, logistics, housing, sourcing food, transportation, documentation, media production, publishing, public relations, social media, and the general activing of keeping the plates spinning in the air.
{{+Support Team|type:pointer;view:content;item:closed;show:menu}}
Program Participants
The Program Participants are what it's all about. They're the ones bringing their heart, soul and visions and running themselves through the ringer to break through the barriers between them and the difference that they want to make on the planet. Not an easy job, but someone's got to do it.
The Coaches guide the participants through their growth, project development, and personal breakthroughs. Each participant has a coach working with them individually to make sure they get what they need from the program.
Lots of types of housing are being offered to us by the community. Please indicate your preferences below:
{{+Private Room}}
{{+Shared Room}}
{{+Rustic Cabin}}
Allergies: {{+Housing+Allergies|type:phrase;view:core}}
Car: {{+Housing+Car|type:toggle;view:core}}
Smoking: {{+Housing+Smoking|type:toggle;view:core}}
Housing Prefs:
Private Room: {{+Housing+Private Room|view:raw}}
Shared Room: {{+Housing+Shared Room|view:raw}}
Rustic Cabin: {{+Housing+Rustic Cabin|view:raw}}
Tent: {{+Housing+Tent|view:raw}}
Other Notes: {{+Housing+Notes|view:content;}}
Dietary Restrictions: {{+Dietary Restrictions|view:core}}
a single card
{{css clear h1}}{{+members|type:pointer;view:content;item:content;}}
You can:
- [[http://twitter.com/EmLeaders|Follow us on Twitter]]
- [[http://facebook.com/EmergingLeaderLabs|Join our Facebook Page]]
- [[Personal_Journal|Browse the Personal Journal Posts]] of our [[Seed Project Participants]]
- View photos in our [[Media Stream]]
- Watch some of our [[videos]]
{{+Week 1 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 2 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 3 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 4 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 5 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}
{{+Week 6 Outcomes|open;type:outcome}}